How do you move on; If you suffer with Anxiety/Depression?!

Question: How do you move on; If you suffer with Anxiety/Depression!?
How do you accept yourself and your life!?
Some people say that depression is being selfish; Is this true!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Depression isn't selfish!! A lot of the time it is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain!. That's like telling those with cancer they are selfish!. Another cause is life circumstance - i!.e!. situational depression!. Calling someone who's depressed who's been going through a rough time selfish is ridiculous!. Bottom line, you are not selfish!.

I think the only way to get through a period of depression is to take it one day at a time!. When you wake up, just concentrate on getting through today!. It is also very important to seek help, from your doctor, a psychologist, whatever you think is best!. Also, know that you're not alone, these problems are very, very common!. I hope you're ok!.

update: ok, if the therapy thing isn't going to happen, try to find a friend who you can talk to when you feel low so that you're not alone in trying to deal with your feelings!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My experience has shown me that anti-depressants don't work!. They simply act as a band aid to the real problem!. Depression is "anger turned in"!. You have to be honest with yourself!. What really makes you angry!? Express this anger!. For some, physical exercise like working out is good!. I've found that writing lyrics is good therapy!. Everybody gets depressed!. You will get over it, but it does take time!. It doesn't happen automatically!. You have to work at it!. Be patient with yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

its just soomething that happens!. for me i deal with it by practicing coping skills and focusing on life being t oshort to be controled by and illnessWww@Answer-Health@Com

Although we cannot change who we are, we can change our outlook!. One way is to have hope in a better future!. We can also change our environment, our careers, our education!.!.!. even if we may not have access to a library, many educational materials are free on the Internet!.

Environment!? Many ways you can accomplish that!.!.!. plant a garden or move to a new location!. (You went to college for a while!.!.!. the change in environment had to have affected you!.)
Even simple things like mounting pictures on your walls, painting the room a brighter color, or moving your furniture can change your outlook on life!.

So, after you explore the wisdom of the Internet, get up from that chair and remodel that room!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm not sure really if i know what it's like to have clinical depression, but i have been depressed about many things for long periods of time!.

maybe one thing you can try is focus on the things you love, focus on the "beautiful" things try to find the beauty of things!. maybe start picking up some type of art!. achieving is often a great feeling, and getting better at things feels great, also you get results you can be proud of and feel good about yourself!. but these things also require that you expect difficulty hardship and a challenge to achieve, but then, that's why the feeling of accomplishment is so great!.

maybe try writing a poem about positive topics for you!. like things you love most!.

also maybe about some depressing things and get some of it out of your system!.

you could also try really searching within yourself to find what makes you truly happy, and then concentrate all of your efforts on seeking that thing or those things out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I was suffering form panic/anxiety attacks, i started using phils given by doctor and up to a certain extent it helped me after sometime it came back and this time it was worse and i had fear of death anxiety as well!.I was not ready to go for any doctor because that did not help me I was really worried, then I came across a friend of mine who suggested me a panic away course!. I was initially unwilling to take the course as i did some self help course which did not help me, then me friend suggested me that i should take this course and said
" yes you can take it " then i gave it a try and it really helped me to get away from anxiety attack and gave my life back!. I would love to introduce you to that website

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