I need an opinion ... ?!

Question: I need an opinion !.!.!. !?
There is a friend that I talk to often!. He and I both have a history of depression, and we talk about it sometimes!. The other day I email him and say I'm feeling very depressed, and I need to talk!. The next day we talk, and I said something that must have made him angry, and he says "Have you lost your mind!?"

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that phrase was really inappropriate under the circumstances!? Especially since I really kind of did feel like I was losing it!. And with him having the same history, you'd think he would understand!. I was shocked and hurt!. And left feeling even more depressed than before!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

that was very inappropriate,
but it was probably just an accident
tell him that he shouldn't say things like that, because it makes you depressed!. He most likely will understand!.

it was a mistake though,
it's better to let it pass :]Www@Answer-Health@Com

You are learning that he uses phrases lightly!.
You were feeling very sensitive at that time!.
It was easy for your feelings to be hurt!.
Take it with a grain of salt that your friend might let words come out loosely!. Most likely it had nothing to do with you!.
Maybe his mood was not so great at that moment either!.
When we are depressed we can feel hurt pretty easily!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i had almost the same experience this morning!. you think you trust someone with your feeling but they just make you feel even worse!.!.!.it really is not cool!! it makes you want to not tell anyone anything!. I would tell him he hurt your feelings!. you have every right to be upset!.!.!. i am pissed!. give yourself time to be upset and then try to forget about it!.!.!.dwelling on it will make you even more upset!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

don't take it to heart, girl!. you're thinking about it way too deep, i think!. i know your story is different from everybody else's, but all of us get that phrase every once in a while!. also, if your "friend" constantly makes you feel more depressed, say goodbye to him and look for good people to surround you ^-^ you deserve better!Www@Answer-Health@Com

sometimes in a fit of agitated mind it so happens,so try to forget it and ignore it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sometimes things that normally you would laugh off affect you more deeply when you are depressed!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe it was a guy thing, so your understanding was different than his!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

he was probably being an *** or else doing "tough love"!. either way dont let what other's say get u down!. therye no better than you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it was prob just something he says and u took it the wrong way because u very low at moment!. have u thought about wot u said to upset him so much!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

well it depends on what you told him!.!.!. but it's just a phraseWww@Answer-Health@Com

Well, it does sound a little in approproate, but can you tell us what you told him!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's part of a bigger problem, but I really doubt he meant to hurt anyone when he said it!.

Think of these words: Crazy!. Psychotic!. Schizo!. Insane!. What are their connotations!? These words are used for more than just their medical meanings (besides which "crazy" doesn't even have a medical meaning, and "insane" is a legal term!.!.!.)!. It's a lot like using terms like "moron" or "retard", which used to be medical terms for developmental delay!.

Mental illness is one of the last remaining targets of culturally sanctioned prejudice!. It's allowed to make fun of, exclude, and generally look down on the mentally ill!. People have lost jobs, been kicked out of schools or colleges, and even been denied entry to businesses because of uncomplicated mental illness!.

A small but telling sign of this prejudice is the tendency to use terminology of mental illness to communicate something negative, thus, "Have you lost your mind!?" "Are you crazy!?" "You must be insane!", all meaning something like, "That's preposterous!"

Your friend wasn't thinking when he said what he did; but that's the insidious nature of prejudice!. Even people who have, or have had mental illnesses are often prejudiced against themselves, ashamed of it, desperate to prove that they are "not crazy", even going so far as to become elitist about their mental illness being "less crazy" than some other!.

The only way to solve this problem is to be open about mental illness--to stop hiding it, stop being ashamed of it!. People are afraid of what they don't know, and they're prejudiced against what they're afraid of!. What they need, is simply a realistic picture of mental illness!. Once there is a concept of the mentally ill as people who, like anyone else, have problems and dreams and are just living their lives!.!.!. Well, that's when you won't have to worry about being asked whether you're lost your mind!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sometimes those of us that has depression problems will "blow things out of proportion" and take it all personally!.
Did you ever think that maybe because of his own depression, that particulary day he couldn't deal with yours as well!? Even though others may understand our illness, that doesn't mean they can "take on our illness" as well, and help us with ours!. If they are not able to help themselves with their own illness, they certainly are in no position to help us with ours!. You need to find a friend that does understand, but is more stable then your friend that you just mentioned!. Depressed people often say rude, crude, and mean comments to us if they are in a depression themselves, and really not thinking right!.
We need to have compassion and empathy for them, as we need the same thing!. (THOSE WHO DESERVE TO BE LOVED THE LEAST, NEEDS IT THEMOST)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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