Do people on Bipolar medications sleep alot?!

Question: Do people on Bipolar medications sleep alot!?
My girlfriend just got put on some meds for Biopolar disorder and always claims to be sleeping!. I almost never see her,she doesn't live with me!. Wondering if excessive sleep is common!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

it5 can be it all depends what your on !.i know when i was on meds still am i was tired but depressed it take a while to get them adjusted in your system ,try and get her out it makes a world of difference i was sleeping 24/7 and once i got up started socializing not sleeping a day away i felt better !.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Fatiuge is a side effect!. Or if she just got put on it, excessive sleep is common to begin with while your body is adjusting to it!. If it continues for a long amount of time check with you doctor to see if there is an alternative medication!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hi,i take meds for bi polar disorder and i have to say that i do sleep a lot!.i sleep during the night and during the day aswell,i think its the brains way of resting itself!.hope this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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