How can I improve my concentration and memory?!

Question: How can I improve my concentration and memory!?
I hardly use any mental energy at the moment and its like my brain has become 'lazy' from not training it mentally!.
Can reading a lot improve my concentration, focus and memory!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Definitely!. Reading is great "exercise"--even if you only read novels!. Puzzles are great, too!. And keeping your body, not just your brain, healthy--nutrition and exercise--will allow the brain to get the resources it needs to work efficiently!. If you're interested in something, learning about it will exercise your memory and concentration; it doesn't have to be some hugely scholarly topic, either; you can study your favorite movie actor and it'll have the same effect!. For the best results, do things that are just challenging enough to make you think, but not enough to frustrate you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Personally, playing computer games or let say video games help improving focus, also reading books probably fiction books, then returning back trying to remember the characters' names in the story etc!. might help you!.
Because as to me brain needs to exercise like any other part of our body, like our muscles!.!.!.
Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, reading helps alot I think, but if you want to keep mentally active you should try Sudoku!. I do a page every night and it keeps me thinking without over doing it;) If that's not your thing, Yahoos "Text Twist" is a personal favorite!Www@Answer-Health@Com

for concentration- try meditation
for memory-search out google!.com there r many ways to enhance it, one of them is using peg words, another is using visualisation!.!.!.!.!.i have tried them, and it works!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

First, if you smoke pot, STOP!! Play timed games, do crosswords, watch the gameshow network!. My memory stinks too!. They say in GNC that Ginko may help with your memory!. Check that out too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would play matching games and stuff like that!. Reading does not nessicarily improve it at all, it depends on if what you are reading is making you think!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

"big brain academy"(game) is suppose to increase your awareness!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

coping skills and concentratio n excersicesWww@Answer-Health@Com

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