I need help, I'm trying to figure myself out.?!

Question: I need help, I'm trying to figure myself out!.!?
Okay, so I'm 13 and I'm in a stage in life were I don't really know who I am!. I know that I just need to be myself but I change all the time!. My mom told me to try to meditate and it didn't help that much, then my mom said yoga, still no help!. Any ideas!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

You're still very young, sweetheart :) I wouldn't worry too much just yet!. I'm 20 years old and have only JUST come to understand who I am & what my purpose is in life!. I spent all my high school years lost within other personalities - I was too afraid to break free from the crowd !.!. and as a result, I spent 5 years of my life not knowing who I was, because I was trying to be like everybody else!. I came to realise who I truly am & what my purpose is, in my loneliest moments!. When others aren't around you voicing their opinion of you, you end up hearing one voice alone - your own!. Go to your room one night, close the door and do a little thinking!. Pull out some paper and a pen!. What are you naturally good at!? What are your favourite things to do!? What are your hopes and dreams!? What do you want to be when you're older!? Who do you admire in life!? What do you want to be remembered for when you're gone!? What are some life experiences you've learnt lessons from!? Answer everything truthfully, without worrying about what your friends or family might think!. Once you've answered the questions, start working towards those things - become the person you want to be remembered as, long after you're gone !.!. develop the qualities within you that you greatly admire in others !.!. use your life lessons to help others!. It's foolish to waste your talent & your life by trying to be somebody else - focus on what YOU have got to offer the world and strengthen those abilities & traits!. If you focus on strengthening what you're good at & invest in what you love to do the most !.!. somewhere down the track, life will open doors for you !.!. it will give you opportunities to help others using what you're best at!. Don't focus on trying to be the best in your group of friends !.!. comparisons are useless!. Focus on being the best YOU!. You'll find that in life, there are things no-one can do better than you !.!. you'll find that there are people only you can reach out to !.!. you'll find that there are places only you'll be able to go!. I like to think of it "keys and doors!." You came equipped with a set of keys at birth, and a range of doors set out for you in life!. If you try to be like everyone else, you'll never open the doors in life meant for you!. Why!? Because you're trying to open YOUR doors with THEIR keys!. That won't work - if the key doesn't fit, the lock won't come undone! Likewise, if you try to open THEIR doors with YOUR keys, you won't get anywhere!. Why!? Because your key won't fit so you won't be able to unlock it! You've got to use YOUR keys on YOUR doors in order for them to open!. I hope that makes sense :) Bottom line: Find out what your "keys" are & start looking for the doors that they open! All the best!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would sit down and reflect in a peaceful environment, like a park or something!. Write down the things that are important to you, the things you enjoy and like to do, etc!. This would be a good starting point, because the key to figuring yourself out starts with the things that you enjoy!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Figuring out who you are takes time,and is a normal stage in life!.Meditating and doing yoga probably won't help that much!.It really just takes time!.Trying to hard to figure out who you are won't work!.Be patient and it will be revealed to you in time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

try all kinds of different things!. you will find something that works for you!. i love to write!. my brother loves to hike!.
my son loves karate!. everyone is so different!. and yes we all change all the time!. you will find what works for you just give it time!. and enjoyWww@Answer-Health@Com

Work hard at finding your passion, and stick with it!. Passions are a part of who a person is!. Also, your beliefs and moral play a big role in who you are!. Right down your secrets and feelings in a private notebook and help release your inner self!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yeah give your self time and enjoy life!.!.!.It will all come together someday!. Don't focus on trying to figure yourself out!.!.!.live a full healthy fun life and enjoy who you are and you life will define you!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you can figure up yourselfWww@Answer-Health@Com

Try different stuff!. It's OK to not know who you are at this point!. Have fun figuring it out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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