Bipolar and needs advice?!

Question: Bipolar and needs advice!?
i am bipolar and i have those times when i need to get on medicine because i feel like my life is not worth it but i dont know how its so expensive just to go to the doctor but i feel it is taking a toll on my relationship!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

just try and take the medsWww@Answer-Health@Com

As a Bi-Polar afflicted person, I must convey the imortance of getting on the proper medication!. It may takes months or even years to find the proper mix of meds to control the mania/depression as it did me!. I've been mis-diagnosed for about 12 years, and FINALLY was prescribed Lithium which is considered the "gold standard" for manic/depressive disorder!. I will be on this medication FOR LIFE if I want to maintain the proper level of normalcy!.!.!.please read "An Unquiet Mind!.!.!.A Memoir of Moods and Madness" by Kay Redfield Jamison and you will find that this illness absolutely kills people who don't take it seriously!.!.!.!.Check with your local health dept to find out where you can get the medication at a discount or, in some cases, free!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try your local medical group and see if theres a way of getting some type of relief on medical fees!.
Here in Ireland, its a local health board and if you dont have a lot of money, you get relief in the form of a medical card!.
Mmake sure you talk to your doctor!. If you go, tell him you cant afford it and what can be done to help you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The best thing to do is to find natural ways to control it!.

The fact is as human animals, we have the unique abilty to bring our mood up or down just in the way we think!.

If you find yourself feeling down, do things that you know bring you up!. Listen to happy music, go jogging, play for favorite game!. Or try to meditate on good thoughts!.

Once you begin to lear how to change the chemicals in your brain, you will find you need to do this less and less!.

Eventually, you will no longer suffer from a bi-polar disorder!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

medication used to treat bipolar disorder can be quite expensive!. Call your local health department, and see if they can refer you to a mental health clinic in your town that helps pay for meds!.

we have one here in my town, and it has helped a lot of people, including myself!. At one time, my meds were $90 a month, and with their help, I only had to pay $9 a month!.

I'm bipolar too, so I know what you're going through!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com


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