Have you ever thought about committing suicide?!

Question: Have you ever thought about committing suicide!?
yes i have i used to stair at knives for 20 mins thinking of all the things i could do one of my friends saw me doing it and made me spend 2 weeks at her houseso i could calm down im still a little
"off my rocker" but im alot better if u r thinking adout it u need to take a brake and run away from whatever is messing with u for a few days spend the week with friends or aunts or uncles sometimes u just need a brakeWww@Answer-Health@Com

No, and please don't do it!. There is always a better solution!. Talk to someone!. A doctor!. A therapist!. A pastor!. Anyone will do!. I am sure things seem really horrible right now, but there are other answers!. You can check in to a hospital to get some intense help and perhaps they'll even have a medication that will help with any depression you are experiencing!. I battle with anxiety and depression!. Some days seem darker than others, but suicide is not worth it!. It is very selfish!. There is always someone left behind that has to deal with the guilt that they could have done something differently to save you from yourself!. Take the time to reach out and let others love you!. Let someone put there arm around you and listen to your problems!. Please do not hurt yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, I thought about it and then attempted it when I was 17years old and was in a coma for several weeks and did damage to my heart!. The saying "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" is SO true!. I would have missed so much like the birth of my children and all the other wonderful things that have happened in my life!. No, things have not been perfect!. There has been some bad with the good, a terrible divorce after 13years, a car accident that has left me disabled, but I can tell you that I would not have experienced LIFE with all the good times and even the bad times if I had been successful in ending my life!. You just never know what is around the corner if you are not here to see it!. I really believe that when we are in the biggest storm that we have ever seen, the sun will eventually come out sometimes we just have to wait it out and more importantly REACH OUT AND TELL SOMEONE THAT YOU ARE IN THAT "STORM"!.
If you or anyone out there is thinking about hurting yourself pick up the phone and call the number below and just say "Hi", you will see how much so many people care about you and want to help you through whatever it is you are going through!. PLEASE CALL!

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24-hour, toll-free suicide prevention service available to anyone in suicidal crisis!. If you need help, call 1-800-273-TALK

Oh yeah! So many times have I wanted to just end it all!. Life can get so messed up sometimes and leave you with nothingness!.
An empty feeling came over me when the one main reason for living was taken away from me and I was left with out them in my life!.
I would sit for hours thinking of all the different ways I could end it!. The train out back that flew by at night, A syringe, O!.D!. Shooting myself!.
And I actually acted out the shooting with a pellet gun!.
Shooting air into my temple like my dad had done with his 45!.
About 20 times I re inacted what he had done!.
And thought, that quick, I could be done!. over and over!. and then this strange feeling came over me telling me that I had more to come in life and that things would get better!.
Well, they did somewhat, I got to watch my kids grow up still!. and even though I ended up in prison at one point, I was able to get off parole and run my own business for a while!.
I still think about it once in a while, but not like I did then!.
There has to be a reason why I am still kicking it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, and I have tempted it three times!. I would hate to see anyone who hurt as bad as I did!.Try to remember you have felt good before, and you will feel good again!. Right now you are where you are!.
suicde is a permanent solution to a temporary problem!. Please get help!. My heart is with you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

For sure I have!. I am doing better now!.
I hope you are doing OK!. Are you OK!?
Please reach out for help if your not doing well!.
You CAN feel better!. These thoughts do pass!.
Best Wishes to you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have done more than thought!. I have written the note and swallowed the pills!. Many times last year and in 2005!. It didn't work obviously!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Tried twice, I reckon the third attempt is about 4 days away!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Many, many times!.!.!.!. I'm better now, it's not even on my mind!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Tried 3 times!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes and youWww@Answer-Health@Com


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