Why is this happening to me? How can I stop it?!

Question: Why is this happening to me!? How can I stop it!?
The past few months I have been feeling really strange!. It feels like being in love, even though I've never been in love before!. (I'm 19)
But it's so intense! It's like a pressure in my chest, like something that's inside of me and wants out!. I can actually feel this physically!.
I constantly have thoughts of being with the person I love (there is no such person) and, you know, hug, kiss, etc!.
Sometimes I subconsciously think things like "I miss you" and stuff like that!. I feel SO lonely, even when I'm around people!. I feel like there is this ONE person I need to to find, who will fix me!. My other half!.
This force is so overwhelming, I've never felt anything like it!. Some people say: "relax, you don't need a girlfriend to be happy" but those people have no idea what I'm feeling!. Every atom of my body is craving for that one person I don't even know!.
I've been attracted to girl before (duh) but this is something new for me!.
(Well, not really since it started in 2006)
It's not fun at all - sometimes I phantasize about dieing, so this pain and longing would end!.

Help! Is this some form of depression!? How can I make it stop!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It doesn't sound so strange!. You're at an age where you're an adult now and there's a natural desire to have someone to love for the rest of your life and build a home with!. Some people are content to be single and alone, but that's not most of us!. I think that God has someone out there for you who is waiting for you too!. This is for more than just a dating for a while kind of relationship!. It's not a form of depression!. It probably won't stop until you find someone to love!. Don't look at a girl's looks alone, but look at how she treats others and if she is kind and loyal!. Is she intelligent and trustworthy!. I think you will find her soon and your feelings will stop!. Don't settle for just anyone!. What you're longing for is a lasting real love relationship!. Hang on!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you are okay, in some sense - we r all been in love before, and sometimes its even painful!. You are very emotional, but not yet depressed!. However, if you don't wanna get depressed you have to watch your emotions, because after all they can be very very powerful and have an effect on you in the longer run!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It may be demonic!. "Hallucinations" are most often auditory, but they can also be visual, involve smell--or, like in your case, be tactile!.

Two websites to check out: www!.mentalhealthsolutions!.info

It's loneliness, and your body responding to it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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