Revision. cutting. self mutilation. book. and my life?!

Question: Revision!. cutting!. self mutilation!. book!. and my life!?
this is the prologue to a book that i am writing!. I want criticism and comments that are good!. let me know if u think it is valid!. I have been through all of this because it is a true story!. a book that i am writing in diary form!. I am writing it from the mind of a fourteen year old so it is supposed to sound like it is from that age!. let me know what you think:


I sat on the cool white floor of my shower listening to the harsh splattering of the water hitting the sides of the plastic tub!. The stopper on the drain was pulled and the shower was filling up fast!. My mind was drifting as I sat on the floor, trying to stop the tears from coming!. I couldn
Ignore these other people, I like it!.
I think it is good that you are putting everything out there and getting the emotions out of your body, so kudos to you for a) having the courage to express something difficult, and b) sharing it with the world!. Writing can be very therapeutic, so it's a good choice and it's good you're doing this!.
As for criticisms of your writing, it's an interesting and seemingly popular style, but I did notice some punctuation errors!. Other than that, keep writing and I can't wait for the end product!.

Best Wishes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm not reading any of it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am sorry I have a hard time responding to this!. You say you want to write a book, but the way you describe it sounds more like you just want attention!. Just ask for attention!. Cutters, at least the ones I know, namely me, wouldn't be satisfied with the "cuts" that a silly shaver would do!. I'm glad you have'nt graduated to the "cutting" that people like me have done, and don't!. Get help, now! Before it gets worse!. And definately don't write a book on something you really know nothing about!. If anything write one about how you started and stopped before it got too bad!. Just find someone to talk to, quit cutting!. It only creates more problems, and it doesn't let you forget!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

eh!.!.!.stop writing this and get help!.!.!.(no offense)Www@Answer-Health@Com

erm i agree with kitkatz!.!. seems like you just want to glorify what your doing or whatever your issues are!. at the end of the day its just you, and no one else!. we all have issues so maybe you should be a big girl/guy and just deal with them like a grown up!. take control of yourself and dont take pride in your faults!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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