What should we do to make doctors stricter about prescribing antidepressants?!

Question: What should we do to make doctors stricter about prescribing antidepressants!?
Too much anti depressant medicines end up in streams and rivers and the fish are suffering!. http://blogs!.discovermagazine!.com/discob!.!.!.

I think many people are just whiners and are depressed for a reason (ie their spouse dumped them, they're fat, ugly, etc) Maybe doctors should prescribe more placebo pills rather than actual medicine!.

Good question haha
Placebo pills have been proven to work, because if you think your getting better, with mental illness, you sometimes do
You could stop people repeatedly getting anti-depressants by giving the first set with a doctors permission, and then afterwards having to see a mental health professional!. Or something like that!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You forgot to mention heart medicines that have been found in drinking water, anxiety medications, pain killers, hormones found in water, and OTC drugs like tylenol and advil!. So when you are PMSing or going through menopause and your father has angina, your mother is taking klonopin to deal with panic attacks you can stop yourself and your family from taking any of these drugs because you read one article that is using half truths and inappropriate conclusions to scare people and thereby sell magazines and ad space on their website!.

The truth is that you don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about!. When you say people are on these drugs because they're fat and got dumped I have a very strong urge to ask you where you got your medical degree!. Where did you study neuroscience, physiology, psychotherapy, and medicinal chemistry!? Oh yeah, you didn't study anything!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have been on these drugs for the better part of a decade!.!.!. I do suffer for chemical imbalances (bipolar disorder and OCD, among other things)!. Although these drugs have helped to partially improve the quality of MY life, I do think that theyare overly prescribed!.

These drugs are sometimes seem as a quick fix!. Not enough time is taken to assess the issuse surround the patient and whether or not they actually need to be put on drugs!. I believe that many of the patients aren't willing to commit the time needed to see the benefits of talk therapy and learn alternative coping methods!.

I have many reason of why I think that prescription drugs (especially anti-depressants and other neuological drugs) should taken very seriously when being prescribed!. This is is a reason that I have never thought of!. This is a very interesting article!. Thank you for sharing it with up!.

(now I'll feel a litt;e guilty every time I pee!.!.!.!. !. Kidding)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yea!.!.!.I agree that some people say they are depressed when they are not!. Also, if your sad, and it's the saddest time you know, you might truely believe you are depressed when you wouldn't be according to a doctor!. Then again, I'd be crushed if my doctor labeled me as another teen with hormones and didn't give me real medication to help my depression!. Who are we to judge who is in enough pain to deserve anti-depressants!? Www@Answer-Health@Com

depression is serious and since im assuming you dont have it so you dont know what its like so you just judge away!. thats wrong!. dr's do tests on you and make sure your actually showing major signs of depression!. maybe there are some who are depressed short period but its a CHEMICAL IMBALANCE! its not just some thing people wanna be!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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