Been depressed for almost a year now... will I ever feel okay?!

Question: Been depressed for almost a year now!.!.!. will I ever feel okay!?
Well!.!. about 10 or 11 months ago I moved from a big city out into the country (about 30 mins away) I didn't have a problem with it at first, but once we moved out into my new house I started to panic because I knew I wasn't going to be seeing my old friends much!. I started off at a new school, and it was alright!. I met a few people and hung out with them a bit!. (They just unrolled the welcome mat) Now that I'm not the "new girl" anymore nobody seems to be talking to me!.!. and I'm having a harder time making friends!. When I go to school I feel completely alone, and when I go home I feel alone!. I've lost all my friends even my old ones!.!. because I don't see them much anymore because I live so far!. If I do see them, I see them once every 3 months maybe!. I've been miserable for a LONG time now!. And my mother's noticed my change in behavior and is concerned for my health!. Does anyone have any advice on how to make my life seem a little easier!? Or am I just over reacting!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I understand that living in a small town is very different from living in a big city!. I've lived in a big city in FL most of my life and made a dumb decision in my youth to marry a man who lived in a small town in GA and moved there!. I really loved him but we had problems and it didn't work out!. When you are a stranger in a strange place, the best thing to do is like the old saying "Do as the Romans do!." They initially welcomed you, that means they were interested!. What do they do for fun!? What are their interests!? I think to have a friend you have to be a friend!. Ask someone who is friendly to you over to your house after school, or ask them to do something with you on the weekend!. If you show yourself to be friendly and accepting, they will act the same towards you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Get into some clubs, and especially some charities!. Do so much, that people will find you fascinating !. Then you'll be so busy, you won't have time to be lonely, and you'll be so interesting that you'll be able to pick and choose who you want your friends to be!. Be wise, and choose down to earth people, with interests in hobbies, and religion , and culture that matches yours!. (forget people who are richer or glamorous)!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

This is nothing!. Look at other people who are more depressed than you> i lost my BF eight months back and fell into severe depression since then!. The psychiatrist, the anti depressants!.!.friends!.!. nothing seems to work!.!.!.!. Compare yourself to me!.!.!. You're far happier!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe you can look at it as social anxiety!. You need to concentrate on your studies and less worrying about making friends!. They'll seek you out when the time comes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Moving places can be hard but you just might be over reacting!. Try to accept that you have moved and left your other life behind!. Have you tried talking to your mum!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'd like to know to!.
I feel the same exact way and i'm having the same problem!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

move back or try to make newer friends start talking to peopleWww@Answer-Health@Com

You will never feel better!. There, did that help you at all!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can try joining a social club or church or computer social networking site where you get to meet new friends!.

Jesus is the best thing that happened to my life, so I urge you to try Jesus!. He is God and He is only a prayer away!. When I am lonely, I talk to Him and He speaks gently to me!. Try reading the Bible!. You can start with the Book of John!. Jesus can make you happy and fulfilled!.

Also, eat healthily!. Take multivitamins!. Also, exercise daily!. Going into the sun makes you feel better!. There are clubs where they have exercises and you can join them and feel better!.

If you are feeling really down for 3 weeks, it may be time to see a psychiatrist or a counsellor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

No, you aren't over reacting!. I'm going through the same thing and I am WAY older than you!. It seems really clannish when you move out to a smaller area!. As long as you do something for them, then you are fine, but if you want to be in their league, you have to continue to play the game!. I find myself working in my own little world, but if you want to make it work, you have to invite them to do things other than the other way around!. How about inviting them for a sleep over or perhaps your old friends over for a weekend retreat with you!? You could also find yourself getting involved volunteering to do something or start a hobby!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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