How can i get my mind to sleep!?!

Question: How can i get my mind to sleep!!?
It is 2!.30 am where i live and my body is tried but my mind is racing!. Sounds weird but i can't sleep and i want to!. Any ideas!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know exactly how that feels!. I've found that in order to sleep both your body AND mind need to be tired!. First, you have to find the biggest issue your mid is concentrating on and why it is that it's that issue!. Break down in your head what you're going to do about it the next day!. Then let it go!. The other thing I do is make up stories that have nothing to do with my life!. just a thoughtWww@Answer-Health@Com

For now, see* below!. INSOMNIA: Exercise, but not within 2 hours of bedtime!. Have a warm bath, or shower, an hour before bedtime, then a glass of very warm milk, possibly with Horlicks, or one of the herbal teas, below, and use dimmer lighting!. Put your mind in a position where it wants to shut itself off, and sleep!. See insomnia treatments, in much more detail than can be included here, in section 3, at ezy build, below!. Use one of the relaxation methods, in bed, after lights out, in sections 2, 11, 2!.c, or 2!.i, but they can take some time to learn, (progressive muscular relaxation excepted) so learn and become proficient in their use during the day!.

An alternative is to use the EFT, in section 53, and pages 2!.q, and 2!.o, saying to yourself: "Even though I currently have a sleep disorder, I deeply and completely accept myself!." (or choose your own wording) while you use the acupressure!. Some more; quick, and easy to learn, are at http://www!.umm!.edu/sleep/relax_tech!.htm The progressive muscle relaxation, (most easily learned) guided imagery, and mindfulness breathing are known to be effective!.

Find out which works best for you, in the daylight hours, so you will be prepared, come bedtime!. For many people, a good idea is to develop a set "wind down" routine for the last hour before bedtime, so your subconscious mind learns that it is time to put thinking aside, and prepare for mindfulness, (awareness, without cogitation/purposeful thought) or the EFT, in preparation for sleep, but the idea with mindfulness is to not even think about sleeping: just drift off, naturally, during exercising those techniques!.

Avoid TV, computer, or anything exciting in this hour, although reading a BORING! book is a good idea!. I suggest that you try using the EMDR variant, below, prior to the mindfulness, or the progressive muscular relaxation, but after the EFT, if that method is chosen!. Experiment, to find which combination works best for you!.

In section 3 at ezy build: INSOMNIA: PAGE O - INSOMNIA: A COMPREHENSIVE POST a variant of Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing therapy is shown, which has been used successfully for those people suffering from insomnia, depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and anxiety!. It is easily learned, quick to use, yet can be very effective; although it is easy to be dismissive of such a seemingly unusual technique, give it a good tryout, for at least a few weeks, to see if it is effective in your case!. I learned it from a book by a published clinical psychologist, on depression insomnia, and now use it every night, and find it works well!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I second the use of EFT to get to sleep!. Here is an excellent video specifically to relax and calm the mind and get you ready for blissful sleep!. You just need to watch and tap along!. It works really well!. Good luck!

Why is your mind racing!? What are you thinking about!? What are you worrying/caring about so much that you can't just go to sleep!? Find that out and you should sleep like a log!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Listen to your iPod or music!. It really helps me to concentrate on the words & beat of the song rather than the real world!. "Moment to escape!.!. Temporarily that is :) ! "Www@Answer-Health@Com

if its anxiety, breathe in and say 'I am' and exhaling say 'relaxed' (replase relaxed with anything you want, like 'safe' and stuff!.)Www@Answer-Health@Com

the usual things would be ot make sure ur getting enough physical exercise during the day so that you are tireder at night!. Are you drinking too much caffeine!? or eating too much sugar!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Warm up some milk and put a little sugar and vanilla in it!. Make enough for 2 mugs!. It is very soothing!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

seriously though!.
not much,
just enough!.

Turn off your PC!. lay down in a cool dark room!. If this doesnt work, take a legal drug for it!. go out and buy one!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

join the club- its like that for me EVERY night!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Go for a walk, read a boring book!. Take a drug but by god it had better be a legal one!. Nobody on this forum would advocate blazing a fatty that would put your mind at ease and your body to sleep!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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