How would you feel if this happened to you?!

Question: How would you feel if this happened to you!?
My dad passed away a few weeks after my sixteenth birthday!. Because I have no mom, I'm now living with my aunt and uncle!. Well, shortly before my dad breathed his last breath, he told me that I have an older sister!. He told me that when he and my mom were fifteen, they had a baby together!. Since they were so young, they gave her up for adoption to another family, and they haven't talked to her family since!. He then told me he wanted me to try to find her!.
I'm just going through a lot of emotions right now!. I'm angry that my dad didn't tell me this sooner, and I'm sad that he's not here anymore, and isn't here to help me, and I'm in shock that I have an older sister!. How would you feel if this happened to you!? And should I fulfil my dad's wishes to find my sister!? I don't know what to do!. ThanksWww@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds like you've been through a tough year, and I'm very sorry to hear that!. It's perfectly normal to be upset, sad, angry, and confused all at once!. I would feel the same, and for a few weeks question my role in the world!.

Regarding the question of fulfilling your father's wishes, that choice is completely up to you!. If you want to do this either for you or to honor your father, go for it!. However, if it is something that will depress you and remind you of the past, then you shouldn't feel bad about neglecting to pursue this!. I hope this advice helps, and God bless!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i would be mad and sad because i have had a sister so long but have never met herWww@Answer-Health@Com

so sorry to hear about your dad!

remember that your sis does now know about you either!.!.!. give it some time before you decide if you want to contact her!.!.!. good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

i would be happy if my dad diedWww@Answer-Health@Com

First let me say that I don't believe in last wishes!. He has the gall to tell you last minute to find your sister!? Insane! Then he's gone, and you're left here without him and his help!. No details!.

What you do in this life should be guided by living people, and yourself!. People who are dead don't count!.

Take your time getting over your family's loss, and then do whatever YOU want to do with your sister!. Perhaps since she's the only link to your immediate family, it would give you comfort to know her!.

TX MomWww@Answer-Health@Com

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