Can you die if you don't sleep?!

Question: Can you die if you don't sleep?
If you just lie there, eat suuuper healthy food, and the only excersize you get is getting up to use the bathroom, would you die?


No, sleep deprivation in itself cannot kill you. However, the part of the body that needs sleep, is actually the brain, not the body itself. The body just needs rest which can just be a comfy chair. The brain on the other hand, is much more complex.
For a long period of time one thought that when you slept, this is when the brain rested. This is not true, the brain is incredible active during sleep. However, why we sleep is actually still a bit unclear, but you could look at it as a re-boot of a computer:P If you get deprived of sleep, all the processing in your brain slows down. You perform more poorly on all tasks and your response time will go down. So although sleep deprivation in itself cannot kill you, you are more likely to get hit by a car or crash your own car or something because your brain simply cannot keep up and decide to get out of the way:P
Well, that's what one believe today. For ethical reasons, researchers cannot sleep deprive participants from sleep in a study for too long either, so we might never know if we can actually die from pure sleep deprivation:P

I'm a psychology student:)

Anything that is carried out to an extreme is dangerous. It is not going to make any difference whether you eat healthy or not. Just by the fact that you are lying there, you are going to gain weight and possibly develop medical problems that would ordinarily not be present if you got up and exercised at least three times a week for an hour each time.

As far as not sleeping and causing one to die, I have not heard of it causing someone to die due to lack of sleep, but as I stated above, anything to an extreme degree only leads to imbalance in your bodily system, and then cause severe maladies to occur.

Yes, it is possible to die without sleep, but after a week you'd be too insane to know when it happened. The brain needs sleep to function, after it runs on E for too long it starts to degrade, and you have hallucinations, paranoia, psychosis etc.

It's not pretty. Why do you think POWs are subjected subjected to sleep deprivation as a torture? :/

Sounds like your self is already dead. If you have no drive to live life then the self is dead while the body functions on. The body will not function long just lying in bed. You have to be active to some level Just eating healthy foods with no activity isn't a good practice. The body is made to function and Ive found exertion is good just too much is not. Moderation in all is a necessity. Dying is a definite if you don't use what u got. Ever heard "use it or loose it"? That applies to life. If you don't move it eventually you wont be able to move it.

work, scooping my drive, life, couceling, biology, doctor, Richard Simmons

yep, after a number of days. Apparently you'd die quicker if you didn't sleep than if you starved yourself.

yes, you can go longer without food than you can sleep.
Gamers in Korea have been known to die because of this.

ya ur body organs will shut down without sleeep

health class...lmao

No, u will just fall asleep..

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