Questions about Depression?!

Question: Questions about Depression?
so simply curious.. okay so if people have depression they get medication, I could google depression statistics but I am far to lazy so let me put it this way, like 60% of the adults I know have depression (roughly). I have read and multiple places that one in 4 people have some sort of mental illness. Now it is a known fact that medication goes through the water system and effects us... (this WHOLE thing came to mind because I was reading about infertility and how birth control is found in large % in our water system). SO... if anti-depressants are in water system (which they have to be) could that effect people without depression by messing up their serotonin and norepinephrine and god knows what else causes them to get depressed and having to have theirs regulated and therefore increasing depression?
I get weird theories when I have insomnia ^_^


Low level poisoning from water is a serious matter. For example, fluorides suppress iodine which is leading to hypothyroidism which in return is faking depression,like symptoms (plus weight gain). Antibiotics in tap water are a survival training program for bacterias which may lead to antibiotics which do not work anymore. MRSA is an example. There is no cheap method known for removing herbicides and pesticides from tap water. There is no cheap method for removing antidepressants from tap water.
A chronic poisoning with antidepressants will not make people happy against their will. A steady intake of antidepressants is causing a failure. People who are on antidepressants report a failure from one day to the next and the last reason is not known. Doctors try a med hopping in this case. But how should a med hopping work in the future if tap water is providing a cocktail of every antidepressant prescribed?…

How do these things get in the water system? Are you talking about recycled water? If so - then just buy bottled water and get some sleep. (-:

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