How to deal with self harm scars in the summer?!

Question: How to deal with self harm scars in the summer?
I self harmed on my arms on and off for about seven years so even though I no longer self harm I still wear long sleeves year round when I am around people. Personally I don't mind wearing long sleeves all the time, It's what I feel comfortable in but I know it's weird and suspicious. It doesn't help that I have low self esteem and I hate my body to begin with. I plan on taking summer classes so I will have to be around the same people everyday and I hate the awkwardness. I always feel like people are looking at me and wondering what my problem is but no one has really just said anything to my face, apart from my mom. I was just wondering how I should deal with this?



Lots of people have to deal with this. I have a very good friend who has to deal with the same issue. One answer is finding long-sleeved tops that are made out of a lighter material that aren't as uncomfortable in the summer. Another is the hard one, which is just dealing with it. The scars do continue to fade over time. The thing is, everyone has scars - yours just happen to show on the outside. People are always going to whisper and stare, and it sucks that you have to deal with that, but think of it this way: you are a survivor. You have scars, but you're still alive.

And, as my friend has found, you will find people who don't care about the scars, and those will be your best friends.

Lastly re: self-esteem. I don't know what you believe, but I believe in a God that created us and loves us just the way we are (more on that if you want:, and so I'd like to say you're beautiful. I don't even have to know what you look like to tell you that, because you are a unique YOU and that makes you beautiful. I know it sounds corny, but I really do believe that.

Either keep wearing long sleeve shirts or stop caring what others think. I self harmed as well for quite a few years. At first I tried to hide it but now I wear whatever I want, including sleeveless clothing. Most people mind their own business but if someone were to comment it is no big deal. You don't owe them an explanation.

You just do. most likely, no one will ask. If they do, its rude. The past is the past. Try using mederma on your scars. You don't ever have to explain your scars to people. I cut for 20 years. Its been 6 since I quit. I have scars and they bother me everyday. I'm so sorry you went through that. Good luck to you hun.

You could get lotion that helps with stretch marks, it does the same thing. But I think you should just wear whatever. If you choose to wear short sleeves and people confront you, tell them the truth. Tell them that you used to self harm in the past; if they have a problem with that than whatever.

firstly, stop cutting yourself...

2ndly, laser surgery - consult your Doctor, and ask for advise... there are laser that can remove scars..

google: scar camouflage..

Wear wrist bands or anything that can cover it up.

Try concealer. I have a few scars on my hips/belly and I have the same problems during the summer

see doc

Well it depends how discreet your scars are. (I'm assuming they're on your wrists here) You could use makeup (like concealer) to cover them. Or you could use bracelets if they're mostly in one place near the hand. You could wear like a big chunky cuff thing, you could even make one yourself, like out of material that buttons at the front?…
If they are really severe and you're worried about getting hot. What about a long sleeved shrug?

I suppose it's about your confidence. Imagine the worst thing that could happen. I mean the people may be more forgiving than you think. You could take one approach, and be quite open about it? I guess, as long as you're just showing people how you honestly feel, you could joke about it? I mean if someone's staring at you, acknowledge it! Smile at them, be understanding of people's curiosity, that's what makes them interesting.
Remind yourself, that you're past that now, you're comfortable with yourself, and you have done nothing wrong that these people can condemn you for. You are there to learn, not to let people make you feel uncomfortable. 'Talk about it as if it were a spot on your blouse.' as someone I know used to say so eloquently. :) xx

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