Could This Be the Start of Schizophrenia?!

Question: Could This Be the Start of Schizophrenia?
First, I'm not trying to self-diagnose, I just want to know if I might be at risk and if I should see a doctor. So I was like majorly depressed all the time, I never went to a doctor though, and it got to the point I almost attempted suicide. But it stopped after that and I started seeing things, like twinkling stars in the night sky when there was no stars out, I've seen three little bugs crawling on the floor and so I panicked and looked down to see no bugs, I once was with one of my friends and saw a cat next to her legs, but the cat had no facial details, and once I saw my white closet door light up and flash back to normal. It starting happening more and more, until it stopped. I don't see things very often and I haven't seen things in a bout two weeks. I don't normally hear things, I had spent almost all night awake because I was so scared. I thought I heard whispering and someone say my name, but that's the only time I heard something. After that I never heard anything.
But I do really weird crap, like I feel almost detached from reality. Like my body is there and my mind isn't. So it was like I was only partly there. Like I say things that I don't mean to, it's not like I can't control it, I can control it, but when I say it it's like I look back and it almost seems unreal that I said it. Sorry if that's confusing. Like this kid looked at me weird and I said "What do you want?" and I don't really know how to explain it, it's like I just said it out of nowhere. I almost feel like I wasn't there when I said it, like I was so deep in my mind that I remember barely hearing the words come out of my mouth. I remember being really embarrassed after I said it too. I do things that are really weird, like I do things and when people say to stop it takes me a moment. I sometimes have urges to just freak out because I feel so bothered, and usually nothing has caused me to feel bothered or irritated, I scratch my arms when I'm mad. I sometimes yell and scream at myself, I have punched myself in the face and slapped myself. I have pulled my hair out in anger. I say things like "I can't," or "Stop" or "Please" to try and not think about times I feel a feeling I didn't like. Like when I remember a time I humiliated myself and it's like I just can't think about it. So I saw things or clench my face, I sometimes saw them around people and try to cover it up because I don't really mean to. Not that I couldn't control it, it just happens.
I always feel really strange, like sometimes I focus on the way my shoulder blades feel without touching them or my eye balls or my cheek bones. Sorry if that makes no sense. I just think really weirdly, sometimes it's hard to finish sentences because I start loosing what I had to say. Not that I really forgot, but it starts to get foggy. I usually think of things kind of black and white, like if a day goes well it's on a good note, but if one bad thing happens the rest of my day is a bad note.
I day dream a lot to, like I day dream about for a couple hours a day. I will be doing something and I have to stop to just think and day dream. Usually I don't like talking when I'm not doing anything, because I get really numb and just go deep in my mind.
I always feel so anxious and scared, like I can't stop trembling sometimes. For no reason I feel really scared and I hate it. I get paranoid that if I say something someone will hurt me for it or like if I start yelling at my parents I'm afraid they're start smacking me in the face. When my parents would never hit me. I once looked at this scary looking person and thought because they glared at me that they wanted to kill me or something, but I only thought that for a second. So I'm not that paranoid. I have this fear that there will be spiders under the toilet seat and so every time I go to the bathroom I check under the toilet seat or I try to go as fast as I can. One time I forgot to check and I got to scared that I could have sworn I saw three little spider legs come up from under the toilet seat so I jumped up quickly. But there was no spider.
Sometimes I get so focused on something that colors become extremely bright and I feel like I'm getting farther within myself. I could say a million more things but I don't have much room, but this is some of it.

Thanks, if you can tell me anything that would be great. By the way I'm only 14 and have never talked to a doctor. Could this be Schizophrenia? Should I talk to someone?


The thing about Schizophrenia is that it's hard diagnosing it to someone who has depression. Like others have said, if you have depression that gets worse to the point where you start seeing, it can turn into what they call "depression with psychotic features". Because of your age and the fact that you're a girl, having schizophrenia is a VERY rare chance.

Typically you're diagnosed (as a girl) as a young adult, say 20's-30's. As a guy you GENERALLY get diagnosed from your late teens, 18-25 range. I'm not saying that it's impossible to be 5 and have it or 90 and have it, but those are the general ranges. Teenagers and kids can have it, also, which is my case.

I'd mention it to your doctor and they might put you on some sort of antipsychotic and call it depression with psychotic features, maybe anxiety disorder as that can cause hallucinations, which is really nothing to be afraid of because the newer antipsychotics don't cause that many bad side effects, besides being tired which wares off after maybe a month or so. If that ends up not working or only working a small bit, they may possibly diagnose you with psychosis, schizophrenia, or some other form of it.

Counseling is another option, they have one type called CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which can work at combating the anxiety and things you see that aren't really there.

I was in the same exact spot you were and understand how scary this can seem. I feel confident that you will be able to get the help you need and can overcome this.

I have schizophrenia; it took me a long long time to get diagnosed with it. Feel free to email me if you have any more questions :)

I think you should see a doctor or therapist. Seeing and hearing things that arent there is not normal

I heard when depression get so severe that you end up hallucinating things. More likely is a symptom of major depression,

It is possible that this could be the start of schizophrenia but also it's possible that it is not. You definitley have a disorder, though, so yes, see a doctor and tell them everything you said here, plus everything else you need to say. Good luck!

By the way, here is a site about schizophrenia if you want more information. There is also a lot of info about other disorders and syndromes as well.…

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