Healthy stress relieving method?!

Question: Healthy stress relieving method?
I shall use the example of today's science class. I walked in to find that we had a substitute teacher, I also do not like the sound of his voice. Some people weren't sitting where they are meant to be and there was 5 instead of the usual 4 in my row. The crows were going mad outside. This may seem like a perfectly normal (maybe a tiny bit annoying) situation for you but I have Asperger's syndrome and I was getting a bit stressed out by this point in time. I sat down in my usual spot next to my best friend (who also has Asperger's). I put my earplugs in because I recognized that this lesson might be a bit tricky, my friend had forgotten his. We were taking a while to adjust to the new situation when the teacher (who had no idea about our ASD) walks up, he saw that we hadn't started writing yet and put his hands on the desk, lent towards my friend and I and and asked/slightly shouts why we hadn't started yet. We instinctively froze up and didn't respond which got him more angry. He went away after a while and we started to "cool down" It was worse for my friend because he didn't have his earplugs and he was almost in tears. The teacher came back and had another go at us and my friend barely made it through this one (without going into what we call "kicky screamy mode") He decided to go back to the SEP to prevent a full meltdown but I stayed in the lesson and the teacher (now realizing that we have a problem) didn't do it again.

The thing with this situation is I came out of it with some pretty impressive bite marks on my left index finger because I bite myself when trying to stop myself from doing something (kicky screamy mode)/relieve stress. The point of the story was to show that I need an instant relief rather than something like exercise. Does anyone know any methods that I could use in this or similar situations?


A certain level of stress is unavoidable, in modern society, so it is a good idea to develop effective coping methods. Light to moderate daily exercise combats stress. For some people, it helps to visualise a quiet, relaxing scene (imagine, as vividly as you can, that you are on a tropical beach, reclining comfortably; you luxuriate, as the the sun warms you, and a gentle breeze caresses your skin lightly, inhaling the tangy, sea scented, salt laden spray from the sparkling, translucent, aqua waves, crashing on the white, coral beach sand, and feeling the hot sand slip through your fingers in one hand, sipping your favorite drink with the other; all the while, the seagulls call, swoop and cavort playfully overhead in a cloudless, azure sky: you feel just like one of them, free to soar and cartwheel, or just glide in the heavy, humid air, and that this moment will last forever). Go to:… &… & &… &… & which are all free. Take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily; (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or its FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it.

See: SEARCHBAR: "krill oil". The supplement DHEA is thought to counter the stress hormone, Cortisol. Ginseng & Lady's Slipper are recommended herbal remedies. Progressive Muscle Relaxation… can be learned quickly, and takes only several minutes Also: & & & at there is an audio demonstration. At there are: "sounds of the ocean", & "ambient rain sound", & "mountain river sounds" via the searchbar. You could repeat: "I feel calm" and/or "I can handle this.", or employ the EFT version for use in public, for which you can reasonably claim that you have a headache, as you use the acupressure massage/tapping on your temples, but it may be advisable to restrict yourself to subvocalising (saying it to yourself, in your mind, not aloud). "Even though I sometimes suffer from stress, I deeply and completely accept myself". searchbar: "EFT", & "EFT therapists" or (13 free videos) - professional is best. Practise a daily relaxation method, such as… or or Yoga Nidra, (a series of easy mental exercises only; no flexibility required) on pag L at, below, or Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or yoga. Options: A massage (at least neck and shoulders) with jasmine, lavender, juniper, and/or bergamot, or German chamomile essential oils added to the massage oil, and to a warm bath, preferably beforehand, to help make any tension knots and muscles more pliant (others may only want, say, a sandalwood & juniper, mix; check first).

Aromatherapy: &… & & and/or long, stretching yoga exercises, or T'ai Chi. Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which you are better able to communicate with your subconscious mind. 85% of people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could either seek professional hypnotherapy, or more alternatives along such lines are at… To relieve stress, and tension, allow your head to drop down slowly as far as it will go, then very slowly rotate it, (without turning your face to the left, or right) keeping at maximum extension all the way. Then go back the opposite way; TAKE YOUR TIME! Repeat as necessary.

Okay i was origanally going to say masterbation works wonders for stress but u need something more imediate... I suffer from severe panic attacks and alot of stress and deep breathing and focusing on happy thoughts like my dad or something really helps me out ^_^ hope tht is somewhat helpful

Stress ball.
Freddie Mercury agrees.

chewing carrots


I also have aspergers, and I have often been in a similar situation. I tend to carry around a reading book with me, and in the moment I read a couple of pages and it sometimes helps. If that isn't an option I recite something in my head, slow and controlled like if you were public speaking. Maybe a prayer or a story or a poem or a part of a newspaper article or the periodic table or something. Maybe this will help you? :)

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