Does it really get better (regarding mental issues)?!

Question: Does it really get better (regarding mental issues)?
ive been having mental issues for over 9 months now (it feels like its been an eternity) and think i may have become bipolar if thats even possible (it was late in senior year of high school, and at first i just had this feeling that me or the reality i was in wasnt real (this is when i first started cutting myself), then i was feeling depressed, then came anxiety and more unreal feeling with paranoia , then i started having mood swings - usually from feeling depressed to feeling manic that would last a few hours to a few days , then came times where i was either manic and depressed at the same time, or rapidly cycling between the two, now i sometimes think about suicide (not wanting to do it, just wishing i wasnt alive))


***With treatment*** many individuals suffering from conditions such as bipolarism, manic depression, various forms of schizophrenia, Schizoid Personalities, Fugue, Antisocial Personality disorder, and various other Dissociative Disorders CAN regain enough control over their afflictions to become productive members of society.

In your case, this would mean the reduction of your mood swings, in both their intensity, duration, and frequency.

But if you're asking whether there's a definitive cure, then in most cases no. However, some patients who undergo pharmaceutical therapies can be successfully weaned off their medications after regaining control of their mental health.

Uh... My Cinical Psychology Lecture.

Yes, it CAN get better. You really should see a mental-health professional, a psychologist, psychiatrist or therapist. He or she -- or them -- can determine the right diagnosis and figure out the best treatment for you. Without treatment, it can get even worse.

sounds complicating

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