is my friend a bit mad?!

Question: Is my friend a bit mad?
i know this is long and i get pissed when people write loads but i reallllly need help with this!!
basically i think my friend might have issues as she pretends to be someone else and i don't know what to do!

okay, so i have known my best friend -lets call her jess, all my life. when we were like 13/14 we made up these fake msn accounts and pretended to be made up girls, just cos we were quite shy and we wanted to talk to our crushes at school etc.
by the age of 15 i realised it was a bit weird, plus i felt i had the confidence to be myself.
anyway, Jess kept it on, she would pretend to be this girl called Allie, she would meet up with boys as Allie who was older than her, create this fake life etc.
it was actually quite dangerous at times, i tried to talk to her but she just got moody with me so i left it and just hoped she grew out of it

the other day, i was on twitter (we are 20 now!!) and i came across an account that had written to a celeb, and i recognsised the name etc. i saw it was Jess' fake name and when i clicked i saw it was a fake account.
she had made up this fake life of being a dancer, touring round the world, she made up a family like she had a little sis and brothers and sisters (she has none in real life) and she had put pictures of my dads wedding and my little cousin on there pretending it was her brothers wedding and she had been a bridesmaid. it actually really creeped me out and made me feel quite sick she's got this fake life, she updates this twitter like every hour and it's weird. i looked on days i was with her and she had updated like 'i'm with my friend, she wont shut up blah blah'
now i've realised everytime i'm with her it's linked up to her blackberry, that's why she's always on it.
she also pretends this guy called 'Jay' who's a model really likes her (Jess) to me all the time, and that she goes to see him but i can see from twitter 'Jay' who i've never met seems to know 'Allie' not Jess. it makes me angry she's stringing him on, lying and pretending she's a dancer.
i hate the fact she has this weird life she makes up, do you think i should approach her about it? do you think she actually believes it? what if she's actually a little crazy and believes it all? when i'm away at uni she has no friends so i dont know if she pretends she does by doing this or what?


Hmm I think your friend has issues and is unhinged with reality...If you feel like confronting her about it will make her stop, then go for it. But I say leave her be. If she isn't hurting anyone then no harm no foul.

whoaaaaaa that is messed up. you shouldn't be friends with her. she probably has dissociative identity disorder.

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