This is my life story...................................…!

Question: This is my life story.........................…
I don't go to school anymore i stopped going about 2-3 years ago I am 13 years old and 14 in march, i have autism,selective autism,de-realization,depression,OCD I've never had "friends" only one girl that used me..... everyone at school used to bully me because of selective mutism and some messed up crap happened....... I now sit at my computer everyday alone in this house scared of when the doorbell rings...... when the dog barks....see its funny i tell you people online and you think this has to be some made up story I don't understand mum? shes at work all day and normally goes to africa or egypt she has alot of money i suppose she buys me things she never had, I don't want them? does that make me selfish? people say im spoiled and when i say i don't want this stuff they say im selfish..... why am i even writing this? because im lonely......


I'm nineteen and my youngest sister who is 11 has autism as well so I can say that I have some idea of what you must be feeling. Like you, she really doesn't have too many friends and even a crowded room will stress her out so much that she gets splitting headaches and vomits.

try and get yourself into school somewhere. My sister got bullied a lot until we found a school with a good special needs program which helped teach her how to socialize better and helped other kids understand her better. If you're always by yourself you're going to be miserable all the time, try and find a group of people that understands and accepts you for who you are. Tell your mom about this and try to look for specialized schools like this, although I think the severity of your autism can be a factor in getting in. As for the other crap if you need to talk to someone try and get a counselor. If you're not comfortable telling your parents what you need to say then just tell them that you think a counselor would be very helpful.

I come on the computer A LOT I do not trust my friends most of them are fake I go to school but feel like different I do not have Autism I am 12 years old. Sometimes I feel lonely to and I like to tell people online just like you, I have slight OCD. We could be sisters.

no that makes you normal. i am very sorry about those people they suck a bet you are very nice:)

you need to tell your mum your lonley. then, go to your doctor 'GP'...and tell him about your loneliness and you feel depressed. ask your mum to take you.

we on here can only give advice, now you have to tell your mum this or otherwise you wont get no were.

also, i dont understand how your 13yo and have suddenly decided you not going to school, in my country england, this is not allowed...

if a child in england does not go to school. the parent goes to jail for the childs actions.

are u from UK? just wondering...?

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