Is sleeping pills alright for teenagers?!

Question: Is sleeping pills alright for teenagers?
I have messed up sleeping hours (Sleep at 9-10 AM and wake around 5-6 PM) and every time I try to go to sleep around 12-2 AM in the morning, It will take a long time to fall asleep and I get pissed off

anyways ... I'm 16 and I was thinking about getting some sleeping pills, I want to fix my sleep hours so bad .. I recently dropped out of school and I want to go back, but my stupid sleep hours is stopping me ..


It would not be recommended, I would suggest trying all the methods listed in previous posts, especially exercise.

If however the problem persists and no other strategies work you should consult your doctor.

DO NOT order medication from the internet as it is not safe!

Your doctor will be in the best position to give you advice as to contraindications and side effects of the drugs. He may well prescribe something such as Zoplicone 7mg at night but remember, sedatives should only ever really be used as a short term solution to get your body back into a desired sleep pattern, long term use can be dangerous.

No! they'll mess with your hormones etc. I personally think you should eat bananas and try the "good night" tea. Also, you could try to go to sleep at 10 pm and simply set your alarm on 7 am. The first day may be hard. But then it gets easier. If you don't get any sleep, then that's alright. Because then the next day you will sleep at that time :)

Hope I helped!

I am 12 and sometimes i struggle to sleep so i take melatonin about an hour before i go to sleep.
you can order them online.
if the problem continues see a doctor.

No. Exercise, preferably 6 hours before, but not within 2 hours of bedtime. Have a warm bath, or shower, an hour before bedtime, then a glass of very warm milk, possibly with Horlicks, or one of the herbal teas, below, and use dimmer lighting. Your bedroom should be very dark, with the lights out, and a good sleeping temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit, or 19 degrees Centigrade. Put your mind in a position where it wants to shut itself off, and sleep. View The progressive muscle relaxation, is very easily learned; guided imagery, or mindfulness breathing… is known to be effective, or Give the EFT a tryout. It is free via the searchbar at "EFT" & "EFT therapists" or (13 free videos). Repeat to yourself: "Even though I currently have a sleep disorder, I deeply and completely accept myself." (or choose your own wording) while you use the acupressure massage/tapping. Find out which works best for you, in the daylight hours, so you will be prepared, come bedtime. For many people, a good idea is to develop a set "wind down" routine for the last hour before bedtime, so your subconscious mind learns that it is time to put thinking aside, and prepare for mindfulness, (awareness, without cogitation/purposeful thought) or the EFT, in preparation for sleep.

The idea with mindfulness is to not even think about sleeping: just drift off, naturally, during exercising those techniques. Avoid TV, computer, or anything exciting in this hour, although reading a BORING! book is a good idea. Experiment, to find which combination works best for you. No coffee, tea, or other caffeine within 6 hrs of bedtime! Try a cup of chamomile herbal tea, an hour before bedtime. Others may prefer Sleepytime, by Celestial Seasonings, Relax, Be Sleepy, or valerian root (valerian "hangovers" possible), etc., from supermarket tea, or health food aisles. Milk, or cream should not be used with herbal tea. Get up and do something, like read a book, if you can't sleep within 20 mns. Personally, I prefer to use word/phrase repetition for a short time, changing over to mindfulness breathing; however, you may well find another method more effective. The following EMDR variant came from a book on treating insomnia for the depressed; I use it every night, and it is well worth trying. It seems to reduce distractions during the mindfulness relaxation methods, so I use it first. Keeping your head still, move your eyes first to the far left, then far right, and repeat this another 19 times. Each full sweep should take around a second. If you like, you can either subvocalise, or repeat: "one one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand ... up to twenty.

After this, allow your body to go limp, and relax for a short time. Then repeat the whole exercise, limpness, and relaxation twice. This may well be all you need. Others may require another round of the above. Before beginning the EMDR variant, I take a whiff of lavender essential oil in both nostrils; some people prefer a drop, or two on their pillow. This provides a strong cue to the subconscious mind to prepare for sleep. Get bright light, soon after arising, to reset your circadian rhythm. Stabilise your sleep habits. Try the free sleep aid at: You could try melatonin (pharmacies) for a few nights only; more can interfere with the brain's natural production of it. Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which you are better able to communicate with your subconscious mind. 85% of people are suggestible, to some extent, so consider professional hypnotherapy, or more alternatives along such lines are at… Move your bedtime 1hr earlier every 24 hrs, until regular hours.

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