How can you stop thinking so irrationally?!

Question: How can you stop thinking so irrationally?
I have done this for a long time and I really hate it. I have no control over it!
If someone looks at me in the street, first thing that comes to my mind is "that person think i'm ugly/disgusting/horrible" or my boyfriend doesnt answer his phone "he's having sex with someone else" or someone says like they dont like their hair or something..i think "They're only saying that to tell me that they think my hair is ****", the worst is today someone was laughing on the top deck of the bus, theres no way they could have seen me but the whole journey i was thinking "they must have seen me get on the bus and think i'm really horrible and are laughing about me" and it makes me so paranoid and uncomfortable.

I've started to realise these thoughts are irrational. But I cant stop it! Any ideas what I can do?


It could be obsessive compulsive disorder. People with this often have uncontrollable thoughts that they know are irrational but can't seem to stop them. if you have any questions or just need to talk :)

Living with ocd and having the same problems as you.

maybe cause your stressed out your brain is trying to play scenerios of "whats the worst that could happen" to ease yourself because theres nothing more scary than the unknown

keep smiling

"I have no control over it!"
"I cant stop it!"

While you believe this (or even keep saying it), you'll never be able to stop it. When you can take personal responsibility for your beliefs and behaviours, acknowledge the problems they create, acknowledge that other people have better beliefs and behaviours that work better, and finally identify these, study and appreciate them, then you'll begin to change.

Note that this should never be a battle or a hate-filled fight against yourself or others; it should be an adventure, and a compassion-filled journey, exploring your past, your future, and how other human beings get through life.

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