Do you think I have post traumatic stress disorder?!

Question: Do you think I have post traumatic stress disorder?
I was sexually assaulted as a child. I've never consulted a medical practitioner about this, but I am hoping to in the near future. What I'm curious about is this: Could I have PTSD? I don't want to self-diagnose but I was diagnosed with depression before I began to fully remember the incident. I'm often triggered and it can happen at any moment: I feel where I was touched and I have sensations over my body. I have intrusive thoughts and I see images of him and remember things I don't want to remember. I can't go near the places where it happened and I can't make eye contact with the perpetrator. Are the sensations I feel sensory flashbacks? Even though I'm not diagnosed, could I have PTSD?


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Depression can feel like a physical disorder because you feel lethargic all the time, body aches and pain, change in sleep patterns and so on. But remember, all these physical symptoms are caused by depression and not the other way around.

I would think you would be. If your paranoid talk to someone who trust & it's a good idea to find a counselor that you feel comfortable around. Sexaul assault is very traumatizing especially for younger children. Seek help if things become worse. Don't worry, you WILL get through this (:

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