Does it sound likely that I might have anxiety or depression?!

Question: Does it sound likely that I might have anxiety or depression?
I tried my best to keep this short, but I'd really appreciate it if someone put in the time.

If you took my life and looked at it from an outside perspective, you'd think I have a pretty good life, especially compared to lots of people out there. I live in a good area, go to a very prestigious private school, have a fantastic group of supportive friends, two parents, no siblings, good grades, do some athletic activities, play music, volunteer, have nice clothes, confidence, and many respectable adults (and peers) have considered me to have a good head on my shoulders.

But inside, I don't feel okay. I've been depressed a couple times before and haven't seen anyone "professional" about it. In short I just feel like there is too much pressure on me. But I think a lot of that pressure is brought on by me setting high standards and being too hard on myself. I've always been a perfectionist, but I'm better than I was when I was younger. My ex also said many times that I worry too much, and I can't disagree. Also, there are some days I am great and nobody would think something is up, but other days I just want to go to bed and never wake up. I feel depressed for no reason sometimes, or at least no reason I can think of. I cry a lot more often (at home), and my parents get mad at me because I guess they get scared and have a lot on their plates already, but their anger and impatience makes it worse. I've talked to my mom about seeing a counselor but I don't know how soon that's going to happen. I think the more I nag the more stressed out she gets.
The kinds of topics bothering me are:
-School (some classes in particular)
-Stress about colleges and my future (it's a college prep school so I can't really get away from that)
-My family (my mom drinks and I have a horrible relationship with my dad)
-Breakup (we're still friends but it's not easy)
-Fall-out with a girl at school (long story)
-Certain fears
-Increasing lack of motivation

What really has driven me to ask this is what happened two nights ago. I had a heated argument with my parents. I won't get into it but I ended up having muscle spasms and shaking, hyperventilating, and dizziness, followed by extremely short, shallow breathing. I could barely walk and I felt like I was going insane. I've been getting lots of muscle and headaches lately too. A couple weeks ago I also had several chest pains. Could these be symptoms of anxiety? Was I having an anxiety attack?

I know I need to see somebody for help. The questions besides the two above are:
-Is it weird or wrong of me to feel so bad and stressed even though my life is seemingly going well?
-Do I sound bipolar or depressed too?

No rude answers, please. Thanks.


You do have a good life. It's just that when thinking about colleges everyone gets stressed about it. Growing up is hard but also very exciting. It will all pass and get better but where it is now just seems like a butt load of stress that starts to build up. All teenagers go through it. At the moment i am too and can relate completely. But stress seems to be up there.

so how do we solve it?

relax yourself everyday, find stress relievers, do those everyday. take time for yourself everyday even when u seem to have too much to do that day that you think you are about to explode. everyday you will need to relieve that stress into some other form...though we don't want that to start a bad habit. There are times where it is good to put a lot on yourself but too much is overwhelming.

i would suggest to setting standards that you know you can reach. then start getting to the bigger ones you want to reach. puberty causes hormones to go wacky and will eventually even out so you don't have as much going on.

with worrying too much, try breaking habits that you notice. try finding new habits that are good to break those. find new habits and hobbies you like to relive stress. there are days where i am stressed and just angry for no apparent reason but i find things that make me completely happy again. think of good memories that have happened (ones not dealing anything that could bring up bad memories).

the part about waking up and never wanting to wake back up seems like depression is really starting in. if any suicidal thoughts appear in your mind, please go get help. i have dealt with depression in some friends already and they had that before. i have tried to help many people with depression. i would also explain to your parents what is going on if it gets too out of hand for you. meaning that you should ask if you can get some more help than just what you have been trying. though i would try and leave that for the last option as much as you possibly can take.

the heated argument with your parents is very normal in teenagers lives but some can be way to overwhelming for teens to handle that they settle to the depression state. you may have freaked out with one thing happening and then it caused more of your body to react to that one thing. sounds weird, but can happen. i would definitely explain to your parents what has happened with the body bit, if you haven't already. that can get worse and should probably get checked out soon. not to be worrying you if i am in any way. the more you think about things, they can result into body symptoms for pain, which i would suggest to get a doctors help.

medicine for depression can help......but i would suggest finding ways yourself to relieve the stress first, then get help if it gets to be super bad. i am not exactly sure if they were anxiety attacks but i saw on that website i posted below that the attacks usually peak for 10 minutes and rarely last for more than half an hour. if that happened then you probably had one seeing the symptoms. though the symptoms were similar to the ones they said on that website so i kinda think it might have been but weird that it was triggered after an argument, though i guess that can happen if you have been stressed a lot lately.

seeing this now will hopefully help you realize what happened, but to not freak you out, it should hopefully help you to know what is going on and to get some help in some way.

Google it and see if you can find ways to help. you sound like you are settling into the depression and anxiety state but there has to be some cause of it that you didn't notice. anxiety and depression normally have something that triggered them but could take a while to notice that they r settling in.

i would try to get closer to your parents and also talk to your mom about the drinking and smoking to try and limit that less. if the anxiety/depression has been going on for a few months and you have been trying everything that you can think of, then i would suggest to get some help.

though you probably don't want people knowing much about it, it could help you a ton and i bet a lot of your friends are going through similar things and are also getting to that point. my friends are all over the place at the moment so i am trying to equally help everyone as much as possible.

so i hope these help you some though it's probably a whole ton of information thrown at you at once. haha though i am not a professional at this, i hope some of this helps and that you get better! everything will eventually turn out really great! it's just the beginning of your life and starting off too fast for you, but everyone goes through it and we all make it through. teenager years are sometimes some of the worst years of peoples lives but also some of the most exciting! so live in the moment as much as you can and have fun, but some stress is good!

embrace your dreams :D

try religion, it often gives people what they are missing

when stressed make sure you breathe deep and slow


I can relate with worrying to much, from what I've read, it's normal to be depressed sometimes, it's usually caused by too much pressure, I just want to cheer you up, You have a perfect life, let me tell you this, forget about college(sorry about the language but f college right now) focus on whats going on right now, also depression can be caused by many more things than too mcuh pressure. It can be caused by puberty, and also worrying is sometimes good, I know too many people that worry alot, I myself worry alot, but sometimes it's good, just don't let it get out of reach. As for your ex-boyfriend, just talk to eachother and forget the relationship ever happened. I know it's hard but you have to let it go, and act as if you guys are best friends that understand eachother, let the problems aside, and for the certain fears, it depends what fears you have, but just think to yourself, that you have to be brave always. Also crying too much is a part of puberty, or can be a part of puberty. Lack of motivation can be from many things, but I say, just go out and run, play sports with your friends. As for your mom that drinks and smokes, tell her to try to quit smoking and drinking, but for that, try to fix your relationship with your dad in order for you both to support her into stopping to drink and smoke. Fix your relationship with your dad by finding out more about him, spending time with him, playing baseball with him :P.

I hope my answer has helped you and that it would be picked as best answer.


Im awesome, lol :P, Knowledge.

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