For those who have been treated for adult ADD or ADHD..How did it change your li!

Question: For those who have been treated for adult ADD or ADHD..How did it change your life & personality?
I am curious to hear about what difference treatment has made to adults with ADHD.
Would you say it changed your personality?


I myself have ADD, i had to start taking medication because it got so bad, Ive been told by doctors i have the worst ADD case you can get. i noticed when taking medications it does help me, but it can change your personality, which not only have i noticed but my friends have noticed. i get different affects from stimulants(must be taken multiple times threw the day) and slow release(one pill that helps the whole day). stimulants help me a lot and slow release seem to just hit me all at once, which makes it impossible for me to do anything. ADD medication is complicated, you may not like to take it, but when you take it and your brain can function better with it, it wants that affect so it doesn't have to do more work, or suffer without being able to do certain functions, which can cause addictions, but i am not hooked on these pills what so ever. hope you got a understanding.

I live with ADD everyday.

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