My 15 year old girlfriend self harms and tried to kill herself, what can I do to!

Question: My 15 year old girlfriend self harms and tried to kill herself, what can I do to help her?
She wants to get help, what help us available? How can she get help without her parents finding out(they aren't the most loving in the world) what can I do? Please help me


Does your girlfriend feel that she can talk to her GP? The GP will be able to help her find the support she needs right now. Alternatively try Child-Line and/or Connexions? There are self harm support groups and the Samaritans can listen. All help is confidential and the parents will not be told.

Good luck

There is a lot of help out there believe it or not.
Depending on where you lvie adn what kind of help is available in your country/area there is a lot,

Many hospitals offer counselling and therapy for those suffering with Mental Health issues.

The first step she needs to take is to see her GP, her doctor will ask her a series of questions, and from there will decide how bad it is, and she will most likely be put on Anti-depressants, and due to the fact she attempted suicide, it's serious that she could be placed into a Mental hospital to be watched and also to be helped, unless she is no longer feeling that way.

But it is important she is honest.
If she is placed on medication or needs to be placed into hospital she will most likely be asked to tell her parents, as going on anti depressants there can be a lot of side effects (every person is different).

If it's not so serious, she will be recommended to some Therapists possibly so she can talk to someone in absolute confidence.

The best thing you can do is to guide her in that direction.
It is a really hard thing for a person to feel they can pull someone out of depression.
You are obviously a huge support for her seeing as she isn't comfortable with talking to her parents.

Just treat her normally, one of the biggest things with depression is getting treated differently you often don't speak up because you don't want to be that 'Emo' or 'Depressed' kid.

But also you need to keep yourself in check, a lot of the time, those people that are the biggest support for someone with depression find themselves getting caught up with it, finding it hard to cope and it gets harder and sometimes people end up under a terrible amount of stress.

If you can try to find someone that you can talk to about it also, would be good.

I hope this helps.

own experiences

Seeing a mental health professional is the only way to get her the help she needs. I am a 'cutter' and have been since about age 11 or so. Today at the age of 27 I still have those urges to cut, but not to the extent of being suicidal. A lot of 'cutters' suffer from bi-polar disorder. I was diagnosed at age 13, but w/ counseling and possibly even medication, it is possible to feel normal and/ or content. I'm speaking from years of first hand personal experience. I wish you both the best of luck!

Take her to a doctor who can refer her to counselling etc.

There's patient confidentiality, so if she doesn't want her parents to find out, they won't.

I wish you all the best, & I hope your girlfriend recovers.

Why did she do that? Please specify the reasons or seek counselling - there is patient confidentiality and the doc wont say a thing.

Have sex with her, that way, she wouldn't have time to feel sad and have the urge to kill herself.

doctors can help. they can tell you who to go and see to get help and what do about this

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