Strange urges!?!


Strange urges!?

I have the most random urge to smoke.
I mean, I'm completely against smoking, and would never consider it, until just recently, when I started to get a strange urge to smoke. And not for a "Wow, I'm so cool" factor, but it feels like I'm addicted to it...yet...I've never smoked in my life!
What can I do to make this go away?

Additional Details

2 days ago
Oh, and for the record, I know I have an addictive personality.
Just so you know why I don't want to start smoking (well, one of the BILLIONS of reasons!)


If you already know that you have an addictive personality it might make more sense to go after the core reason rather than just the surface issue, which is smoking. By taking this approach you can use the smoking urges to find out what lies under the urges.

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