Do people actually suffer from paraskavedekatriaphobia?!


Do people actually suffer from paraskavedekatriaphobia?


You betcha---& the fear of Friday the 13th isn't the strangest by any can be afraid to the level of 'phobic' of just about anything.: the fear of amnesia (anmesiphobia), to fearing bald people (peladophobia) to my personal favorite: panophobia, the fear of everything!
Reading the lists of phobias can be pretty humorous, but to the folks suffering from them, it isn't a bit funny. Especially if the fear is of something that's common in their life. I, personally, have a half-baked terror of clowns (coulrophobia), but fortunately, I don't typically run in their circles so I don't have to deal with it.
If you know someone who has a phobia & it's keeping them from enjoying their life, tell them there are some great treatments out there.....just contact their doctor for a referral.

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