Best way to quit smoking weed?!


Best way to quit smoking weed?

I'm a graphic designer who smokes every day. Half the day, Being sober is better, but after 6pm, I need to toke, or else I can't stay on task, and my mind keeps wandering. I work 2 full time-jobs by the way. this goes for all unpleasant things, housework, freelance work, etc. I can't stay motivated without weed! Any helpful advice? (please don't recommend AA or rehab...not an option.) Thank you

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6 days ago
I want to quit because after smoking I'm too afraid to drive, and I don't go anywhere. As for Marijuana not being addictive...I know that! I'm using it to make myself focus and get through an unpleasant task without thinking about how unpleasant it is. I seek an alternative...I never said I was addicted.


Off the top of my head, I'd say try doing the most annoying and/or difficult tasks before 6pm. Save things like housework (c'mon, how much do you need to think to do housework? Just make a list and do it.) for last.

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