Can a person with narcissistic personality disorder ever be reconciled with and !


Can a person with narcissistic personality disorder ever be reconciled with and accepted by the christian god?

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1 week ago
thank you emma

1 week ago
Thanks carltaffe for your kind, understanding answer


The narcissist started off admiring him or herself excessively before his/her conditioned developed into a disorder. At the developing stage of narcissism, some may say that the christian god would be jealous of the attention that this individual would rather give to him/herself than giving it to god. However, psychologically, the narcissist is uncontrollably engulfed into the self and the christian god understands, even before one reaches the stage of being considered disordered, that this individual, who is weak and flawed, needs unconditional reconciliation and requires acceptance from god and humanity, regardless of his or her disorder. The christian god is believed to be all forgiving and all loving; therefore, this god should not find a problem accepting a person, especially one who is disordered.

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