As a kid, I was always (promted by bullying question)...?!


As a kid, I was always (promted by bullying question)...?

I was always the one at the sleepovers who got left out and made fun of. In a group of friends, I was always the one who people joked about. In groups, I was always the one who was the solitary one in the "all versus one" scenarios. Why is that?

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1 week ago
No, I'm not having a pitty party. I guess I should have rephrased that question. You know how some people repeatedly get in abusive relationships? Or stay with abusive people? Largely because of their own personalities and their attractions to abusive people? That's all I'm talking about. I'm not asking anyone to feel sorry for me. I'm trying to figure out why I have always subected myself to this. I'm taking responsibility.

1 week ago
I'm a firm believer that you are responsible for the way people treat you and, to an extent (not getting mugged or something like that) we all allow ourselves to be victimized, no one else is truly responsible but us.


When I read your question I was reminded of my mother. She was the smartest person I ever knew. I remember coming home from school one day, crying. I told her that someone had said something hateful to me. She sat me down and said.."All through your life you will be faced with people who will say terrible things to you. Some people get some kind of satisfaction from being hateful and some others say things because of their own insecurities. The secret to success in life is to never ever let these people know that what they say has affected you. Simply smile and don't acknowledge the comment. Walk away if you can. If not just ignore the comment as if you really didn't hear it or didn't care about their opinion. The reason that this works is that these types of people are always searching for "victims". They are looking for a reaction and the more of a reaction they get the more satisfaction they get. By not reacting, they get tired of wasting their "skills" on you and will move on to someone else. Just try this a few times and you will see that it will always be successful." I took her advice and it has never failed me. I have NEVER allowed anyone to say anything that would make me react negatively. I might go on to say that, if someone in traffic flips me off I simply blow them a kiss. It drives them absolutely insane. They want to get a reaction and that is not the one they want. Don't allow yourself to become a victim of someone elses attempt to deflect attention from their own shortcomings. Turn the table on them and watch how quickly they move on to someone else. best wishes

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