Aaarrrggghh i feel so rubbish?!


Aaarrrggghh i feel so rubbish?

can anyone help me get out of once again another bad day
please? :((
have tried lots of things but just cant get out of it

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1 week ago
thanx all for answering!!!
to be honest i feel quite suicidal too which spose is more than a bad day arrrgggh, i also have aggraphobia so going out answers will be a bit difficult for me!!!


You would be surprised how many people care and would like to help you. I know, I was there and I didn't believe what people said and did not want to believe it!! a few things that helped me was to realize how many cared and loved me, there is usually some hidden issues that you might not even remember that can be the cause. counselors try to get behind those and once that can be resolved then so much better chance for freedom to start coming into your hurting heart, If one could only throw the bad thoughts away and just meditate on good , happy thoughts then your mind would slowly be trained that way and healing would start, but I know, when I was there it was next to impossible and thats where true friends come in and your best friends at such a time is those who had the experience!!! the future will be better!!! believe me!!!!!

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