Are you a moran that yells at people that are not even there, why would anyone d!


Are you a moran that yells at people that are not even there, why would anyone do something like that?

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1 week ago
I really want to say I heard this on the tv and I didn't think it was funny either, but many jumped up as though it was a personal question that I was trying to make fun of you with and said such mean things to me. Do you feel justified now? Perhaps it is not me that you should be saying this to perhaps it is the world that looks at what is being said here and make jokes out of it? Has that ever crossed your mind?

1 week ago
"I mean just avoiding criticism of them."

I wonder why we can't criticize theories and ideas without criticizing and putting down and degrading each other, does it have anything to do with the way things are suppose to be and who is setting these agendas for all of us, have you ever asked yourself this?

1 week ago
"Am I a moron? I don't think so."

I don't think so either, and thank you for saying this.

1 week ago
"Have you considered using the "check spelling" aid available to all of us when we compose our questions, or answers"

Have you ever considered that some people don't want to appear to try to be perfect and that no one that I have ever met has been? That as human beings we all have some flaws? And that not everyones computer may allow them to use the features in the same way as everyone elses? It is okay I won't try to make you feel to bad about this, just wonder if you might have a little empathy and compassion inside yourself since you say that what you want is to help other people?

1 week ago
"I've kind of gotten used to that over 33 years as a psych nurse. Doctors say-as long as you dont respond-it's ok."

I suppose that we can label anything as weird or abnormal, even when for the most part it isn't even really strange if you asked enough people to be truthful about it and understood the reasons that they did what they did.

1 week ago
"Maybe if you understood why somebody might do that, you wouldn't be so snotty and nasty to them!"

Yes and I like your tv thing, better then going out and kicking the car, LOL

1 week ago
"There probably not stupid, and have a mental illness. Or they could be drunk, or on drugs."

They probably are not stupid, they do not have a mental illness since there really is no such thing it is just how it is being labeled, and they may be drunk or on drugs.

1 week ago
"The most common disorder that causes something like this is called schizophrenia. John Nash, a mathemetician who won the nobel prize has schizophrenia, as well as Mary Todd Lincoln, and very likely Vincent Van Gogh"

Very interesting that you call me rude when you are the one that is doing the name calling because of it! I read some of John Nash stuff and he does not consider himself mentally ill I think he determined that perhaps it was an awakening phase inside him that he went through some stuff in life and that he was really being a very philosophical thinker at this point in time. The others were never ever labeled as crazy until you just did it? So what is up with your answer here? It is really all quite normal behaviors, and there are many things that can cause hallucinations lack of water, lack of sleep, lack of proper nutrition, lack of appropriate and kind friends these kinds of things can all do it and once these things are fixed in most cases so are the hallucinations

1 week ago
"My mother was psychotic in her last years and she would yell and talk to people that only she could see."

Sorry to hear this and perhaps this had something to do with some brain atrophy she had due to aging processes or meds she was taking?

1 week ago
"Why do you ask such negative and degrading questions such as this in Mental Health? Have you no feelings? Compassion? Sensitivity to others?"

I have already answered this and I hope that you all see that this is certainly not true, but I wanted to get your reactions to see how you felt if you felt like me about this or not, I hope that is okay I won't apologize for it, I think people sometimes need to know things that they are not really aware of like where stuff like all of this can get and how funny some people actually think it all is, to me it is not funny.


because if you yell at people who are really there they may yell back.

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