How do you geta stubborn girl friend to seek mental help?!


How do you geta stubborn girl friend to seek mental help?

the problem is she works in the mental health area and used to have an eating disorder. her best friend also killed himself the other week. she says that she will fix her own problems and refuses to get help. she is also forceing herself to vomit again becouse of stress. we are getting married in the new year and i cant seem to to do anything right by her. she also puts work ahead of sleep. everynight shell be lucjy if she gets 4 hours sleep and it doesnt help that shes afraid to sleep becouse of nightmeres.


Tell her that you are there for her and remind her that you love her. Also let her know how you feel about the unhealthy thing she does. You can not force someone to "get help" they have to decide for themselves if they want to go. She wants to do it herself so let her with your help of course, get involved with her recovery and set goals and make plans to help get her better.

She is a very caring person who is sacrificing herself not just for her work but for the peoples lives that she is improving. She sounds like a wonderful girl, she just might need to be reminded that she needs to help herself before she can really help others.

It isn't easy to lose someone close to you and it is normal to relapse of unhealthy behaviors because in some ways it feels to the person that it is helping them, like a crutch. She needs a lot of support and reassurance try to find out why she feels such a strong need to push herself so hard, this is often used to prevent having time left to even think about all the pain she is feeling. Try to put her at ease, but don't assume what is best for her let her tell you what she needs. This will also build trust and ultimately a stronger relationship. Good luck and just be patient and go at her pace she needs you so stand by her decisions.

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