Is there a place where teens can go for mental health issues for free so they do!


Is there a place where teens can go for mental health issues for free so they dont have to tell their parents?

I have OCD and it is turning into paranoia
it is really severe
I need help
but i dont want to tell my parents
I just want help
where can i go for free
and school is not an option
i am homeschooled now
and besides that would be weird

Additional Details

1 week ago
I work out a lot
yet all i had to eat yester day and today
was a protein bar
and a couple of pieces of pizza
and i am starting to feel weird
maybe its cuz its 3 in the morning
but idk
and i feel thirsty
but because of the OCD its hard to eat.


i don't think that there is a way without your parents knowing, almost all places I have heard of bill you. Your best bet is to talk to someone you trust. If you need the help then you should definitely get it, whether you are worried about your parents or not. This is your life, no one can tell you how to feel or how to be. Go to a doctor and get reffered to a mental health proffesional or to a mental health clinic that is affordable such as pathways...
If you feel theres something wrong, then you should definitely get checked out. You also may have something aside from OCD which could be ADHD, or ODD, bipolar disorder etc...
It's better for you to go and see whats wrong than to let it go, things like these when they go unchecked can develop into something far worse.
I'm a parent, if my child was feeling the way you are feeling I would be happy to get them checked out, I'd be glad that they came to me with their problem. I would want them to get the help they should get, so that they can function..
I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and minor depression, I I also had all the symptoms of ADHD and or ADD but was never diagnosed. Because I haven't got the help I should have ( I quite my meds and didn't go back) it has become harder to live with, and has developed into a deeper depression I have a really hard time with it now because I didn't get the help I needed. I have progressed far worse into some pretty deep depression. Im considering going back and getting the meds I need, so that I can function.

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