Can someone not suffering from depression ever understand?!


Can someone not suffering from depression ever understand?

My bf most likely suffers from depression. He has acknowledged it and his parents has told me that he was on medication a long time ago but stop taking them because his psychiatrist fell asleep during a session and he has hated them ever since. He even attempted suicide though he doesn't really want to die but he thinks it was to get his parent's attention.

He also says its difficult to open up to someone and seek help but at the same time knows that not seeking help is not doing him any good, nor our relationship. I don't know how much longer I can take of his mood swings, of having to tip toe on eggshells not knowing what kind of mood to expect. It would just be nice to come home and see a happy smiling face instead of someone who just seems to loathe himself, the world and everybody and everything in it (except his dogs) and mope/sulk all the time.

I'm trying to understand how it is a person who knows he needs help can at the same time refuse to get it. Why is it so hard

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2 weeks ago
Wow, I really appreciate all the thoughtful and heartfelt answers received so far. Thanks you guys.

I guess I'm just having a pity party because hey, the boyfriend doesn't get the sole right to feel this way. Maybe his moods are rubbing off on me. Sigh.


I've suffered from moderate/severe depression for more than 10 years, and when I was going through an episode, I wanted to really get better, but had lost all hope as that's the nature of depression.
It was also extremely hard to be motivated to do anything, but as someone who is recovering well, I have found new joy and purpose in life, and it feels absolutely fantastic to feel emotions other than despair, hopelessness and self-loathing.
It took many doctors visits before I was diagnosed and then it took many years to find the right meds and I'll have to keep taking them for a minimum of 5 years, though it'll probably be for life as major depressive disorder runs in both sides of my family.
Perhaps it is also very difficult for your boyfriend to articulate his pain into words, as depression can dull your senses and muddle your thoughts.
One thing that can work is to encourage him to write down his feelings, no matter how terrible they are. Then when he is ready to give it another try with visiting a doctor, he can take his journal with him. The doctor I see now is fabulous, and she even counsels me.
Don't give up yet, and I can understand your frustration, but you are actually one step on the way to helping your boyfriend through your caring. :)

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