ADHD & Dyslexia?!


ADHD & Dyslexia?

Real conditions or just contrived by psychiatry and drug companies?

I have no experience with these conditions at all.. My question is merely to gauge the public perception as I have noticed a real sea change in the attitude to both of the above. The change seems to suggest that neither exisits. Many thanks

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3 weeks ago
Laura & Gnomes - I say above that I have no experience of these conditions at all, which is why I am asking the question.


Im a secondary teacher who works with special educational needs children.
I honestly believe that there are those children who suffer with the above conditions and then there are those who are simply diagnosed.
Take ADHD for example. This is a condition that affects the neurons in the brain. The drug Ritalin (given to extreme ADHD kids) works as a stimulus to those neurons in the brain that arent working properly. Therefore, those with ADHD taking Ritalin, I see a noticable improvement in their behaviour, whereas there are those on Ritalin with no improvement in behavior at all, giving rise to the question 'is it truly ADHD that is causing them behave that way?'

Dyslexia is becoming more a more of a problem in secondary schools as it is failing to be picked up on early enough in primary schooling where a real difference can be made to a pupils language ability. However, I tell all my dyslexic pupils that they should never use it as an excuse, as many dyslexics have gone on to get degrees, write books, even win noble prizes.

Btw, I thought I would just add that out of curiosity I did an ADHD test and the results came back saying that I have strong traits of ADHD...?! Hmmm.

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