My bf doesn't get along with my mentally challenged bf?!


My bf doesn't get along with my mentally challenged bf?

My mom teaches a class where kids are mentally challenged, and one of them is in my class, but when my bf and my mc bf, get together, my bf makes fun of my mc bf. and it makes me feel bad, what should I do, I'm afraid things will get worse next year in jr. high.

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3 weeks ago
sorry bf is best friend, mc is mentally challenged.


I understand your question. You're right to think it will get worse next year in Jr. High. The best thing you can do for your mc bf and yourself is to let your other friend know that what she is saying is not ok. My daughter was in the same situation, except she's the mc friend. She is fortunate enough to have 3 TRUE friends that are willing to back her up instead of caving to peer pressure. Their actions actually helped other kids to see my daughter for who she is, rather than just seeing her disability. Be strong enough to stick up for your friend. You don't have to yell or make a scene, just let her know that you don't like her making fun off your other friend. You sound like a very caring person, good luck.

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