Is delayed milestones a psychological disorder?!


Is delayed milestones a psychological disorder?


Parents are often have concerns about their children's development, especially when they see other children of the same age who have already attained a milestone that their child still hasn't met, causing them to think that their child is 'slow' or 'seems behind.' It is important to keep in mind that
for each milestone, there is a range of ages during which a child will normally meet it. For example, some children may walk as early as 11 months, while others may not walk until they are 15 months old, and it is still concerned normal.
Developmental milestones are determined by the average age at which children attain each skill, therefore, statistically, about 3% of children will not meet them on time, but only about 15-20% of these children will actually have abnormal development. The rest will eventually develop normally over time, although a little later than expected.

Be sure to bring up any concerns that you have about your child's development with your Pediatrician, especially if he seems to be losing milestones, or not doing things that he was able to previously do.

A developmental delay occurs when your child has the delayed achievement of one or more of his milestones. This may affect your child's speech and language, his fine and gross motor skills, and/or his personal and social skills. Milestones are often measured using percentiles, and for many milestones a value between the 5th and 95th percentile does not require intervention, though values towards the edges of that range can be associated with other medical conditions.

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