Sudden Self-Confidence Drop?!


Sudden Self-Confidence Drop?

Im 16 and a about to be a junior at the end of summer. I'm sort of the cocky one out of group of friends, and I've always been confident in myself. I'm on the waterpolo team, I'm in fantastic shape, and have flirting and getting girls down to a science.
But about two weeks ago, my self confidence vanished, poof, gone. I felt tired all the time and would lay in bed for a long time before I would get up for the day. I started to get pretty bad acne on my forehead but this happened after the initial self confidence loss. Now I not only feel insecure but also hideous as well.
All in all, my friends (who I've been seeing less of lately) say I'm depressed, but my question is how? Nothing changed, it's summer! Why would i just plummet into depression? I can't live like this, and I now know how some kids my age feel every day, and it terrible.
What is wrong with me?


Well, they say that hormones or chemical imbalances can be what triggers depression as a teenager.

I had a very similar situation... I was about 16 when my depression came up out of nowhere, for no apparent reason.

Before then, I was extremely confident and focused. I was captain of the dance team. I didn't procrastinate so I was never stressed, and I kept really good grades. I had so many friends, and so many people who wanted to be my friend. I got compliments all the time for my looks and my clothes, and I was always getting positive attention from friends, teachers, parents, even strangers.

I had no reason to be depressed, but it came upon me before I even realized it. I forced myself to deny it, like I was weak because of it. For a long time, I had a way to get people to believe I was so happy. But eventually I couldn't hide it anymore, and I became self-destructive and hurt a lot of people.

SO- its definitely a good thing that you are aware that you may be depressed. And its also good that you have friends who care about you... don't hesitate to tell them that you're depressed, they'll understand. Theres nothing wrong with YOU, you didn't do anything wrong. But at the same time, don't feel like you are the victim and begin to self-loathe. Do what you have to do.... get out more and stay busy... maybe practice more for your waterpolo team? And if it doesn't get any better, maybe go see a doctor. But I would try to avoid medication if at all possible... It can really mess some people up and its hard to get off of! You'll be ok, Hang in there

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