Scared of spiders...?!


Scared of spiders...?

Well, I just found a spider in my blanket and now I'm scared to go to sleep...I sleep in my living room on the floor so it kinda makes it worse but I like sleeping on the floor better than on my bed...Anyways, how can I go to sleep without being scared of waking up with bites all over my body?

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3 weeks ago
I live in Missouri. Are Black Widows or Brown Recluse spiders here? Or are they everywhere?


Sounds like you're more afraid of the spider bites than the spiders themselves. If you haven't had one before, you may not be prone to them. I've never had a spider bite in my entire life (which may be good karma for saving spiders, because I love them, hehe).

Fortunately, according to people I know who have been bitten by spiders, they don't cover your body with bites. Most often, the person only had one or two bites. Compared to a bee sting or a mosquito bite, they're mild.

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