Is there something wrong with me?!


Is there something wrong with me?

My entire life I have hated every single person I know. I despise my family, and only choose my friends based off the people I hate the least. Everyone is always so obnoxious and stupid. Most people just conform to how everyone else acts, so this idiocy spreads. Nothing is mentally wrong with me: I know the difference between right and wrong, and I'm near the top of my class. All I see all my life is other people trying whatever they can to make their lives as easy as possible for themselves and then act foolishly even though they know they were acting foolishly at the time, then they make crappy excuses for themselves. Whenever I try and criticize people, everyone always just uses the same little quibble: "you're only 15, you don't know anything." I'm sure they think that we're all going through the same thing, but life's not a procedure like that and they really don't know what they're talking about. No one realizes that maturity won't come to you, you have to find it yourself

Additional Details

3 weeks ago
oracle: good advice, but I seriously don't want to just be one way b/c its the norm
brother_lu: although I see where you're coming from, it seems selfish, almost as if I should do whatever's best for me and mindgame myself. seems like "the easy way." it would be like making an excuse, and I don't wanna be a hypocrite.
those that want me to have a counselor: I would do it, but I would always remember that the counselor is human just like I am, and has his own views, and it wouldn't seem right
jennifer: all I can say is that I like what I like and I don't like what I don't like. sorry if I offended you as a mother. My parents are actually great. I hate to be immodest but they got lucky with me, as my younger bro is a failure and I'm self-motivated
el-foyo: my girl would look good and have a personality that I like, they like me,small chance of it
srry bout the rest, i ran out of chars
my fave thing is music, if that helps. its the only friend that has ever been there for me

3 weeks ago
oracle: good advice, but I seriously don't want to just be one way b/c its the norm
brother_lu: although I see where you're coming from, it seems selfish, almost as if I should do whatever's best for me and mindgame myself. seems like "the easy way." it would be like making an excuse, and I don't wanna be a hypocrite.
those that want me to have a counselor: I would do it, but I would always remember that the counselor is human just like I am, and has his own views, and it wouldn't seem right
jennifer: all I can say is that I like what I like and I don't like what I don't like. almost everyone lives a life, its not hard. I hate to be immodest but my parents got lucky with me, as my younger bro is a failure and I'm self-motivated
el-foyo: my girl would look good and have a personality that I like, and they would have to like me, small chance of it
srry bout the rest, i ran out of chars
my fave thing is music, if that helps. its the only friend that has ever been there for me

3 weeks ago
sorry, I didn't know I could post additional details twice, sorry for the repeat. I'll get to everyone.

kimberly: I hate to say it, but you're the kind of person I don't like. Sorry. The thing is you think all our lives are on a linear course and you're just on a point ahead of me. In your perspective that is. In mine, we were both on the same path, only you fell to society. Please don't get mad. And as far as I know about 80% of my friends have had sex and their actually good people.
And please don't generalize about adults, they're all different.

Lolita: this made me laugh, especially coming from a respected person. I'm totally sane don't worry. I don't find pleasure in hurting things, I just want to find a way to set things right.

JcL: I don't care about someone's intelligence. Actually, I REALLY hate the people in my classes, they're composed of really uptight people with a terrible sense of humor, like laughing when they misspell a word or something.

3 weeks ago
And I'm really satisfied to see so many comments. I'm glad you guys are generous enough to take the time to lend your wisdom. Thank you.

3 weeks ago
albert---While most of the stuff you said is probably true, no one really treats me poorly. What I'm really trying to do is view the world from a third-person person perspective, as opposed to looking through my own eyes, if you know what I mean. So although no one is mean to me directly, I don't try and be indifferent about it, I try to identify what's wrong with them...

By the way I am male.


No, you seem perfectly normal

Look-- your attitude is a lot like mine was at your age.

You're starting to see that the world around you isn't so peachy. As the rules change in life, you need to adjust your perspective accordingly.Conformity may seem less than ideal, and philosophically it is, but the longer you resist your world, the more resistance you'll experience from it.

What you're seeing is very real; people do "trample" each other in order to make life as easy as possible for themselves. This happens in the financial world every single day.

Balance. That's the best thing that can hope to find, and it's applicable to every realm of life. In this case, finding a balance between your ideals and those of others is what you should search for. I hope this helps.

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