What about anxiety?!


What about anxiety?

Do you think that all people experience anxiety in their lives and possibly just don't know that they have it?

I have learned to overcome mine, which I am so proud of. And I just wanted to get an idea of what the rest of the world thinks about their own or what they have witnessed in their lives.


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4 weeks ago
Exactly right, Risalynn, the secret it to realize that everything is ok and there is very rarely any danger. You are just worried that you may be worried and get hurt or something bad happen. It's so easy to say, yet not so easy to do. It take a little while to do it, so don't be hard on yourself. In fact, you need to be very patient and never give up or be hard on yourself. I still get little feelings from time to time, sorry for the "I'm totally over it" part, but I feel so confident in controlling it now. You will feel so good when you learn how to just do nothing.

Honestly, that's what I used to say to myself in the beginning, "Do nothing man. Don't move, run, think, or worry. Just sit here and do nothing. It will pass."

I promise it does and you will be ok. :)

4 weeks ago
Last thing I want to add for those with the problem, and I'm sorry I wasn't going to try and tout my knowledge on here to make myself look cool, is that you need to start being positive with yourself. The way we speak to ourselves is SO important. Instead of saying something hard to yourself or bad about something or saying something that worries you, say something nice to yourself and start to teach yourself to believe what you say. You are your own safe place to be. I know that sounds crazy. Try it and remember I said it, just for my own giggles. :) It's all about loving yourself and being comfortable.


i'm beginning to experience and this is no lie! i want to control really bad and i'm still trying to get some ideas on how to start...wether i should begin to take medication. talk to a therapist or whaterver else there is out there to help me get better. do u have any ideas u could give me?? if so i'm beging to anyone for their thoughts. i'm going to be 16 soon and cant take it anymore.

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