How can someone suffering from depression do little things everyday to help them!


How can someone suffering from depression do little things everyday to help themselves?

How can someone with depression (but who is seeking medical help for it) help themselves? I mean, what little things can they try to do everyday that will lessen the depression and make recovery faster? E.g. diet, coping with stress, exercise, sleeping habits, having a daily routine, how to be more posistive, how to vent feelings ect.


Everything you said makes HUGE differences--diet, coping with stress, exercise, sleeping habits, having a daily routine, how to be more positive, how to vent feelings etc.

Just getting 30 minutes of morning sunlight makes serotonin, which is what most antidepressant pills try to raise. Even better if the person exercises for 30 minutes out in the sun.

Diet is vitally important. In my case, I was moody, crying, depressed, lacked all motivation, and was so upset all the time. But once I quit sugar, my mood improved literally by 100% Once I started eating better, my mood got even better.

As for positive thinking, I started listening to Joel Osteen, (I know some people don't like him) because his sermons are all about "be a victor, not a victim" and "don't give up your dreams." I put these on an MP3 and listen to them whenever I feel myself getting in a ratty mood.

Since I'm a housewife, I need a daily routine otherwise I'll waste the whole day and then feel guilty, so I have about 5 things I make myself get done every day- exercise is on the list.

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