Do you know any kids with Autisim?!


Do you know any kids with Autisim?

How old and what is your opinion of them?

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4 weeks ago
Buk,thats not very nice.
I'm serious here.
my son has Autisim.


Yes, almost everyone in my family has it in some degree. I can tell you that it is very difficult trying to fit into a society when are born with little or no social pre-programming. If you are not diagnosed early enough you go through life being diagnosed with everything from personality disorders to mood disorders. It's very humiliating and you get asolutley no respect from the "norms". You are shoved into a little box and labelled and become an outcast.
I forgive society though because it is not their fault that the sciences have not integrated and caught up with this next step in evolution. Yes, I said next step in evolution..unfortunatley. This and most other disorders stem back to the time when man started mixing compounds and creating chemicals and introducing them into our delicate environment. We are all slowly mutating and resulting in creatures who have a higher intellect but lack the proper social programming needed to adapt to our environment. Once we fill in the blanks though "we mutants" can exceed in our special fields that we have been given gifts for.
We are the way to the future.....yes, once the pieces of the puzzle are in place we can take over the world, you will see an emergence of e.s.p in the near future....but the "norms" will still be in denial because they cannot see what we see. Our awareness is so intense that we will soon be able to read each others mind and tell the future. Some already have discoverd their true potential and are changing the world.
But....we don't want this emergence of a new species..we need to stop it in it's tracks. Get rid of all the chemicals in the environment because what we are going into is a barren technological age, devoid of any true peace. We are as a result of our growing intelligence harvesting huge egos that will bring us much prosperity. As we aquire more material things we are leaving less and less space for our human spirits. One day man will be wiped out by infirmary from the toxins or the artificial intelligence will take over the world and our energy will be stuck in the great void waiting for the last piece of solid matter that we have created to disintegrate so that our universe will implode and we will have to start the possitivley exausting process of evolution/creation all over again. Uh, I think that will be about a 1000 years stuck in the great void( our energies frantically smashing and vieing for space), so reuce re-use, rec-ycle, and stay of the drugs and eat organic. Please.

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