How do I get a life?!


How do I get a life?

I sit here all day, doing nothing. I can't remember the last time I got laid(actually it was about 2 years ago). I don't think i'll ever find a girl with the same interest as me and even if I did, she'd take one look at me and run for the hills! I can barely work because of my sclerosis and overall depression. I just generally hate public and the people around here. Any help for getting a life here?


Hey big guy, you need to go to a professional counselor with that depression of yours and find out what the root of it is. You must have some sort of health insurance that you can go through and seek help talking things out and maybe some sort of medications to help you get through this dark cloud of yours. You aren't alone my friend, many of us have depression at one time or another, and when we do, we all hit a brick wall thinking nothing is going right, no one cares, and the world is falling in on us . . . . . . but, trust me, there is light beyond the tunnel, and not all is as black as it seems. I would take one step at a time, baby steps. You aren't going to reverse this overnight, just one thing at a time. First, you need to begin thinking you are worthy, talk things out with a professional, and know there is some woman out there thinking as you do, that no one out there is ever going to notice her. You will eventually find someone. If you have a good heart, women love a good man that is kind and caring. Keep telling yourself you are a good person! Be good to yourself and think I am going to get through this.
Best of luck to you.

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