Does my friend need psychiatric help??!


Does my friend need psychiatric help??

She lies about everything! She has stopped the fathers of her 2 children seeing them. She tells everyone she has had an affair with a premiership footballer! She lies so much that she even phones the police and lies to them to get other people in trouble. I really think she lives on another planet. Any suggestions?

Additional Details

4 weeks ago
She believes her own lies! She is even trying to get a new teacher in trouble for hitting children and this definetly is not the case.

4 weeks ago
She does not appear to be very stable, mentally.

4 weeks ago
To be honest folks, She is no longer my friend! She attacked me one nite and then I got a lawyers letter saying I attacked her. She frieks me out


You can't soar with the eagles if you are hanging out with turkeys!! It really depends on how much you value the friendship. If she really is someone who you care about tremendously, assist her in finding help. It might be your nature to try and help, but life is difficult enough without adding other peoples troubles. So if she is not a valued friend, it might be better for you just walk the other way.

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