How can I treat mild depression nutritionally?!


How can I treat mild depression nutritionally?

I'd like to treat what may be mild, chronic depression nutritionally. I can't take herbals, I'm allergic to them. I believe I heard something about fish oil good for it, and also b-complex vitamins. I already take some Centrum once in a while. Would that plus eating a healthy, varied diet be enough? Would if be helpful if I go buy a bottle of fish oil and b-complex tablets?

Additional Details

1 month ago
Could all of those extra vitamins do any harm? I don't want any funny side effects.

1 month ago
I am allergic to herbals. I said so in my question. I don't want anybody else to suggest herbals to me.

1 month ago
But I do appreciate all of your answers.


I found fish oil and a good multivitamin certainly helps. Diet and exercise are important too.

I take 1000mg per day of Cod Liver Oil in capsule form.

I really found talking to someone I trust helps too. I've suffered for years and have not been on traditional medication for the last 5 years by following the above.

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