Do I have a sleep disorder?!


Do I have a sleep disorder?

Lately I have been doing a lot of walking and talking in my sleep. It usually happens within the first few hours of me falling asleep. My husband stays up later than me so he usually comes to bed about 2-3 hours after me. Sometimes I faintly remember and sometimes I don't remember anything that happened. He says that I wake up a lot just yelling his name and when he comes in the bedroom there is nothing wrong and I am just sleeping or rolling around in bed half asleep. Last week I got up out of bed and I was looking all around our apartment and calling my brother's name. A really strange thing happened to me last night; it happened within only a few minutes of me falling asleep. I swear I heard my husband screaming in the next room and when I jumped out of bed to find out what was wrong it was nothing and he never made a noise.

In addition to this I have crazy-wacky dreams and I wake up really confused sometimes. Is there somthing wrong with me??


As long as the place is secure, so you can't easily get out at night, or do things like use a gas stove, etc., it's nothing major, but next time either of you see your doctor, ask about how best to deal with you, in that state (tell your husband NOT to wake you, just humor you, and say: "he/she is not here right now; they'll be here in the morning, when you get up, so why not get a bit more sleep, until then?". Are you on any medications?: REVIEW! Reorient yourself in the mornings: check the date, the time, and put the radio on, think about what you have to do that day: have a list handy, THEN get out of bed. There is a new section on dreams at Yahoo; Answers. You would benefit from practising one of the relaxation techniques at on page 2, to center and focus your mind, on waking.

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